Gratitude Day 605

Romans 6:1 – So what do we do, then? Do we persist in sin so that God’s kindness and grace will increase?

Sin has taken a hard-hit in our society.

It’s not very popular.

A topic avoided almost as much as politics and faith.

But it is real.

Forgiveness is tricky.

Sometimes, we are quick to forgive.

Other times, well, not so much.

Of course, it depends on what the issue is.

And who we are forgiving.

At times, it’s easier to forgive someone else. But there are the situations where this takes an immense amount of faith. Imagine being a family member of a recently murdered person. Are they ready to forgive the shooter?

This maybe a life-long struggle.

Then, there is forgiveness of ourselves. Somedays, it’s much easier than others.

It always amazes me how easy forgiveness was for Jesus. He forgave easily. Freely. Abundantly. Yes, he was God’s son and so, this changes everything. Imagine. Hanging on a cross. Knowing and hoping that you will soon die. But before you do, you forgive those who are responsible for your death.

I’m not this strong. Courageous. Grace-filled.

Forgiveness comes down to one thing: grace. If we believe in grace, then forgiveness must be possible. For others. For ourselves. For our enemy. For our loved one.

God’s forgiveness is always rooted in grace, this unearned way to remedy sin. Grace is God’s way of dealing with sin, once and for all. No questions asked.

As human beings, we have so many more questions about grace. Are there conditions? Is it one-and-done? Do we really have to forgive 70×7 times?

I don’t fully understand grace. I can try and explain. Try and live. But there’s always that little voice inside of me that wonders if grace is really all that it is cracked up to be.

Seriously, I do believe it is. And more.

Look inside your heart. Where are you withholding forgiveness of yourself? Most likely, we have withheld grace from ourselves long enough. Ungranted grace becomes baggage we drag around. It prevents us from fully loving God and ourselves. It’s basically saying we don’t really have confidence in God’s grace after all.

It’s OK if you don’t fully understand grace. That’s God’s job, after all. If possible, be a little more generous with yourself. Less harsh. More grace-filled. Let God’s grace live in your heart. You might be amazed how this will make you feel.  

For God’s unlimited grace and forgiveness, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Lord God – It’s hard to admit that sometimes, forgiveness is difficult for me. Hard to extend to others and just as difficult for me to accept for my own benefit. Pour out Your grace upon me today. May I feel Your love and acceptance again today. And allow me to be a bit more generous in extending myself grace. Amen.

Stop by diannedeatonvielhuber on Instagram today for a few more thoughts about today’s Lenten topic.

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