1 Peter 2:4  – Now you are coming to him as to a living stone. Even though this stone was rejected by humans, from God’s perspective it is chosen, valuable.

Gratitude Day 727

We are in that season of the year when you just have to wait five minutes, and the weather will change.


Hubby Rick and I were in the car late yesterday afternoon. One minute, the shine was shining. Five minutes later – I kid you not, five minutes – and we were driving through a snow squall.

Anyone else ready for some 60 degree weather??

I am. Hubby Rick was ready months ago.

But for a little perspective, while I’m writing about the weather, I remember the folks in another part of the world where families have lived underground in a subway for over a month. Yep. A month. I think of the folks recently affected by a tornado.

My life looks very good these days.

Way better than I deserve.

So today, let’s get the RIGHT perspective. For today, the weekend, next week. We do not have to look far to see someone going through a much more challenging situation than we are. Seriously. May we have the strength to keep perspective in our daily lives.

This series. It tells the life of Queen Elizabeth. While events are based on true events, maybe some of the details have been adjusted. It came out as a series on Netflix, which we do not get. BUT we check out free copies from our local library. For free.

I’m waiting for this movie. Where the Crawdads Sing was one of my favorite books from 2021. And now, a movie is in the works, set to be release this summer. Make sure and take a peek at the promotional trailer.

Maybe you’ve seen this photo. It was taken by Francesco Malavolta at a train station just a few miles from the Ukrainian border in Poland. Polish women left strollers at the train station so arriving Ukrainian women would have one for their children. The almost haunting quietness of the photo strikes me and demonstrates the unconditional love these women have for those fleeing their home country. They do not know the names of the people who will use their donated stroller. And it doesn’t matter. They simply just want to help.

This poem. Written by Barbara Kunz Loots. It’s a stark reminder of what we overlook based on the choices we focus on.

This Lent. Lent is a time to rethink our perspective. To ponder our spiritual journey and find a little extra time with God these 40 days. Each day, I share a short daily reflection video over on Instagram at diannedeatonvielhuber. Love to have you follow along!

What perspective am I trying for this Lent? One of finding God daily, in the simple things of life. Thankful Hubby Rick and I were able to watch our great nephew wrestle yesterday. Spent time with family celebrating a birthday last night. Appreciate Hubby Rick is healing from a little farm accident he had a few weeks ago. And value the perspective that every single day is a gift from God. I pray we treat today this way and relish every moment.

For perspective of treating today like the present that it is, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Lord God – A little shift in our perspective can make such a difference. Will I see my glass as half-full or half-empty today? Will I grasp every little bit of joy that I can squeeze out of the day? Will I keep You near me and my journey? Amen.

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