Luke 6:122  – During that time, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night long.

Gratitude Day 719

When you feel close to someone, it feels FANTASTIC! When you don’t, it feels quite yucky.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten Season within the Christian church. Too often, Lent has become these 40 days when we give something up; like chocolate or ketchup. (Yes, Hubby Rick gave up ketchup one year for Lent. Why? Because he is convinced ketchup is a food group and has convinced some of our grandkids of this.) While we often think about what to give up from now until Easter, let’s think of Lent a bit differently this year.

Let’s ask ourselves: How can I draw closer to God during these next 40 days? How can I create space for me to listen to God? How can I have a bit less noise in my life?

Lent is a wonderful opportunity to quiet our hearts and souls so we can see more of God in our daily lives. We have this opportunity to pause moments of our lives and discover how we might connect with God more each day.

In order for this to happen, it may require us to “stop” doing something. Like less time on our phones or the internet. Choosing to set aside the mind-numbing activities we do without thinking. And with this space and quiet, check out if we can have a deeper connection with God, ourselves and each other.

I find too much noise in my life at times: noise that brings doubts and fears into my thoughts. Distractions that prevent me from doing and thinking about the really big stuff. Worrying too much about things I can’t control.

While I say that I want more Jesus in my life and I yearn for this, I actually do very little to work towards this. Or I avoid the steps that might help me with this.

So, this Lent, let’s agree with each other to spent just a few minutes a day where we seek God and listen. You’ll find a calendar which gives a suggested way to spend a bit more time with God each day. You might want to have a journal or somewhere that you can record your answers to the questions. Or to jot down thoughts we have. This guide is a means to help myself and others try to draw ourselves a bit closer with God this Lent.

I would love to have you join me on this journey. Let’s work together this Lent and see what we might be able to discover about God in the next 40 days.

The season of Lent and opportunity to draw closer to God, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – Thank you for this season of Lent and these next 40 days where I can choose to spend more time with You. Speak to me. Help me grow and fall more in love with You every day.  Amen.

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