Gratitude Day 569
Psalm 51:16-17 – For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I humbly bow down at your feet.
Today, we begin a 40-day journey.
Forty days until Easter Sunday.
Forty days to examine. Reflect. Deepen. Learn
Forty days to decrease.
It’s the forty days of Lent.
Sometimes, we think of Lent as a time to give up. Let go. Release.
A certain food. Behavior. Habit.
Other times, we add-in something.
A spiritual discipline. Additional prayer time. Journaling.
Lent 2021 is different this year. We are still in the midst of a pandemic. Not fully engaging like other Lenten seasons because, well, it’s just not as safe.
Does this mean we skip Lent this year? Wait until 2022 to fully engage and celebrate Lent.
NO. Definitely NOT.
Like so many other areas of our lives right now, we just rethink. Allow for new traditions or opportunities.
Whether you “officially” have ashes imposed on you or not, we still begin Ash Wednesday today. If you go to a church building or not or celebrate communion or not, it’s still Ash Wednesday. Let’s not skip over this day. Nor this important season.
The case can be made that we NEED Lent more than ever. We need encouragement to fill our spiritual tanks and draw ourselves close to God. It’s been a tough year.

This is exactly why a “Decrease for 40 Days Lent2021” calendar was created. An opportunity to spend a few minutes every day reflecting upon God and your relationship with God. It’s a choice to learn something new about God. Yourself. Your relationship with God.
Each daily exercise can be as short or as long as you’d like. Please try not to rush through the daily prompt but rather embrace this as an opportunity for growth. Depth. Reflection.
The best way to make this Lenten devotional meaningful?
Make it personal.
Practice it daily.
Embrace the spirit even if a daily prompt doesn’t completely speak to you.
Know that some days will be more meaningful than others.
And this is OK.
So, grab a little journal.
Print off the Lenten calendar.
Commit to performing each daily prompt.
Watch your relationship grow with God.
Each day, I will offer a short-recorded devotion on Instagram. You can find me there under diannedeatonvielhuber. If you are not currently receiving these blogs in your e-mail, go to and sign up to have the blogs delivered right to your email.
We may not be able to gather as normal this Lent. And it’s easy to feel isolated. But knowing others are going on this same Lenten journey will bring you comfort. Spur you on. Affirm that we all yearn for inspiration.
We begin this Lenten journey today. On Ash Wednesday by identifying why this Lenten practice is important to YOU. Spend a few moments. Write down your answers. Together, let’s find ways to decrease the distractions in our lives. Halt the spinning wheels. Find time to be with Christ and reduce some less desirable areas in our lives.
Let’s do this. Together. For 40 days.
For the opportunity to celebrate Ash Wednesday, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – We begin Lent and this season today. Ash Wednesday. Whether we celebrate it at home or quietly with others, challenge me to reflect why this Lenten season is so important. Place in my heart the desire to make Lent special this year. Important. An opportunity to view my spiritual life in a new way. Amen.
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