Gratitude Day 462
Sat., May 23, 2020
Luke 16:10 – (Jesus said,) “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”
We often think of Memorial Day weekend as the unofficial beginning of summer. Yet, the weekend may feel quite different. Many Memorial Day celebrations cancelled. Normally full of graduation parties, many of these have been delayed. Brat Fest has been canceled. Normally, lots of bands would be playing outdoors and neighborhood gatherings or chicken BBQ’s. Things are just a lot different this year.
Yet, there are lots and lots of reasons to celebrate this weekend:
- We live in a country based on the ability to make choices.
- We can hang our flags outdoors.
- We can visit a cemetery and remember loved ones.
- We can appreciate the folks we know who have served in the armed forces.
- We can know that we are loved by Jesus.
So, rather than being disappointed in what we cannot do this weekend, let’s celebrate what we CAN do. And do it well.
I’m reminded again and again simply how important the little things are. These little things have captured my attention lately:

This book. It’s written by a man who was a doctor and was diagnosed with cancer while finishing up his residency. The book wasn’t quite finished when he passed away, but it was published. This man love literature. He was a skilled surgeon. He integrated his faith into both. An interesting read for those who struggle with how science and faith and words fit together.

This tree. It’s blooming again in our yard and its beauty stuns we every year.

These kayaks. We dusted them off on Thursday and took three grandkids kayaking. Yes, the water was chilly. We might need one more, as we couldn’t fit all of us in two kayaks. We’re looking forward to using them more this summer.

This baby bird. While the grandkids were at our house this week, they discovered this new bird. He didn’t quite know how to fly yet.
This picture. It’s taken just a couple miles from one of the first churches that I served in Denzer, WI. A local lady took it. Isn’t it so cool?

These apple blossoms. They are blooming right now and are stunning.
How many wonderful, little things can you explore, discover and enjoy this weekend? A whole lot more than you’d ever expect.
For God’s blessings in the little things, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – May we never tire of the little things that often are the big things. Amen.
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