Gratitude Day 374

Fri., Dec. 13, 2019

Luke 10:38: By contrast, Martha was preoccupied with getting everything ready for their meal. So, Martha came to him and said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell her to help me.”

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The irony is NOT lost on me. In this time period when I have just published my first book, I feel life is a bit out-of-control.

What makes it even more ironic?

The book is about slowing life down. Ideas for busy-body Martha’s to discover that sitting at Jesus’ feet is absolutely necessary. How to be more aware and intentional about what we do and how we do it.

In the last month since the book officially launched, my schedule has been, let’s say, tight. Crowded. Full.

Oh, Ms. Martha Dianne, will you ever learn?

This is exactly why I call myself a recovering Martha. She still has lots of opportunity for improvement.

I often remember the well-known words from the found in the third chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes: “To everything there is a season …” Yes, some days are simply seasons of longer to-do lists than other seasons.

When I find myself in a more-than-unusually busy period, I often tell myself that this season is just for a “period.” It’s not how things will be forever. I just need to make it through this season. Overdrive lasts for awhile … but is not a good long-term solution.

Some of these over-full seasons are just for a day or two. Other seasons encompass a week or two. Possibly month. While in seminary, I felt that I just needed to keep myself alive while juggling school, two churches AND a new husband for a couple years.

If you feel like you are in a season with more going on these days, slow down. Pick only what MUST be done today. Find moments to be. Relish these moments. Remind yourself that it is just for a season.

If you find yourself in a very Martha-like season right now, give yourself permission to accept this season. But set an end-date. Stick with this date. Be OK with this busy season as it is not for forever.

To everything there is a season. No matter what season you are experiencing right now, love it. Celebrate it. Honor it. Relish it.

 Celebrate being a Martha who is seeking more Mary-ness in their lives.

Holy God As we accept the season of life we are in today, may we accept this responsibility with intention. May we relish the season we find ourselves in today. Amen.  

Blessings –


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