Ephesians 6:18 – Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people.

A highlight of every Christmas is receiving Christmas cards.

I LOVE hearing from family and friends. Quite honestly, there are a chunk of people we only hear from at Christmas time. I treasure all these cards and letters.

Today, I’m sharing a way that you can elevate how you view Christmas cards this year.

Hubby Rick and I wait until close to Christmas before we open our cards. We like to sit down and open them all at one time! This year, on Christmas night, we opened the cards. We loved reading the messages and updates families sent along with their greetings. The pictures, the beautiful cards, just made the evening special.

For now, I have sat them aside. Until today; another day I think is terribly important. Soon, I will pick a time to start praying over the cards. Because the people represented in the cards are so special, I like to take a little extra time and pray for each individual family that is represented in those cards. I hold each card individually, read it again, lay my hand on it and pray for the people the card represents. It’s just a small way that I can connect with this family in a very personally meaningful way.

The logistics of how this happens changes from year-to-year. Often, I take one card a day and pray for the family. Sometimes, I have done small chunks of cards for several days in a row. I want to give each family time just for their family. Time where I am able to honor and respect this family and whatever is going on in their lives.

I feel connected to this family as I pray over their card, asking God to be with them in whatever is going on in their lives right now. I rejoice with those things that are celebrations and I lift up those things that may be challenging right now, whether I know the specific nature or not. This is one way I can appreciate and value this family while also advocating for God to hold them tightly in God’s hand.

Praying over Christmas cards is a fun and deeply meaningful way to extend the Christmas spirit just a bit longer. More importantly, it’s a way that I can be just with each family.

If you are looking for a fun, meaningful and personal way to connect with the people represented in the Christmas cards you receive, try praying over each family and their Christmas card. Do it in a timeframe that fits you. Wait and see how this little project makes you feel. I think it will open your heart in a slightly new way this holiday season.

Oh, and if you haven’t received a Christmas card from me yet this year? Please do not feel singled out. I plan on sending out belated New Year’s cards in a couple of weeks with our own little message.

For receiving Christmas cards from people near and far, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Loving God – Thank you for allowing me to hear from so many people these past few weeks. Help me prioritize time so I can lift them up to you individually in the next few days. Amen.

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