Mark 2:27 – Then he said, “The Sabbath was created for humans; humans weren’t created for the Sabbath.
Gratitude Day 899
I’m on week two of traveling in Thailand.
It’s been a Sabbath for me.
No real responsibilities. Just enjoying the country, it’s culture and so many beautiful sights.
Sitting on the beach and listening to the waves.

Snorkeling in clear water and taking in lots of different fish and corals.

Swimming in streams and waterfalls pools.
Going to the night markets and eating my way through local culture and food.
It’s been wonderful.
It’s a great reminder that our hearts and souls need a break. To step back and get refueled and filled with things that fill our buckets.

Do you need a trip to Thailand to make this happen?
You can do it today. At home. In your normal routine. Finding things that would make for a perfect summer day and doing them. Maybe it’s not a full day of Sabbath. Just a few hours can certainly make a difference.
It’s going for a walk in a favorite place.

Eating your most desired foods or having lunch at your favorite restaurant without checking your phone the entire time.
It’s sitting by water and watching the current.
Taking time with a favorite person and doing something with them.
It’s closing your laptop for a day or intentionally leaving your phone on the kitchen counter for several hours.
Maybe for you, it’s a evening fire in a back yard, watching the flames leap and bend.
Too often, we think we don’t have time for Sabbath. Truth? Jesus reminds us there is no way we can survive without regular Sabbath. It’s that important.
Earlier this week, Hubby Rick and I were chatting through the internet app we have been using. He mentioned that when I get back, could we do a few things that would be part of his perfect summer day?
Watch the sunset at Devil’s Lake State Park.
Kayak his favorite spots.
Sit in our backyard with friends and finally use the fire pit.
Yep, we can. And we certainly will.
Do you feel summer slipping away? Yet, there is still time to do some of those favorite things. Sabbath can be whatever you make it. But it will only be Sabbath if YOU declare it as something that is important to you. And you prioritize it over other things.
Yes, we still need our everyday lives. Yet, our hearts and souls need breaks. Need replenishing. Do better when they are regularly filled and not just constantly drained.
You might e amazed what a few hours of Sabbath can do for you. I encourage you to try it today. This weekend. Next week.
Meanwhile, I’ll be enjoying my last hours in Thailand. Have a blessed week.
For finding Sabbath in regular summer days, I am very grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – Thank you for Jesus’ words and reminder that our souls need rest and replenishment. Encourage me to make this part of these last days and weeks of summer. Place in my heart the simple ways that I can be filled and replenished in normal, everyday ways in my life. Amen.
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