Gratitude Day 885

Hebrews 11:11: By faith even Sarah received the ability to have a child, though she herself was barren and past the age for having children, because she believed that the one who promised was faithful. 

This is the weekend that we celebrate and honor mothers. While this is a great and noteworthy exercise, I hope we can take a slightly broader perspective.

For today’s encouragement, I am choosing to share some examples of stories about women who have recently inspired me. I pray these stories will encourage you to think about the various women who have inspired you. May they also challenge us to thoughtfully contemplate the legacy we are leaving behind. What will you be remembered for? This is a question that goes well beyond being a mother and one that I pray all of us spend some time pondering.

A Great Story

Here are two high school girls that deserve to be recognized. As part of a high school project, they each independently solved a math problem that had not been solved for thousands of years.

Please listen to their story. It’s inspiring and remarkable. I want a little bit of their determination and humility. Watch it and see how these high school seniors are making a difference. NOW.

Two Heart-Touching Books

If you have not read The Women by Kristen Hannah, do so. Now. Kristen Hannah has become one of my favorite fiction writers and she has scripted another wonderful story. It will be and has been a popular featured book club book this spring. (One of the reasons why I read it.)

A historical fiction author, Kristen sets this book during the Vietnam War. It’s the often overlooked story of women who served in Vietnam. The main character, Frankie, enlists as an Army nurse and is deeply affected by her experience in-country as well as when she returns. It’s a heartbreaking tale and reminds us that we all have wounds and events that happen in our lives that forever affect us.

In the acknowledgements of Kristen’s book, she refers to Diane Carlson Evans, an actual nurse who served in Vietnam, and who inspired different parts of the “The Women.” Diane has her own memoir, Healing Wounds: A Vietnam War Combat Nurse’s 10-Year Fight to Win Women a Place of Honor in Washington, D.C.” It’s a fantastic follow-up to Kristen’s book. Diane shares her experiences while in Vietnam as well as the challenges she encountered while getting a memorial featuring women approved, constructed and placed in Washington D.C. Diane’s dedication, commitment and tenacity to get this project across the finish line are inspiring.

A Television Series

Call the Midwife is a wonderfully produced show on PBS. Set in the  challenging area of London called Poplar, the show shares how midwives were an impactful part of the local community and touched thousands of families that struggled. Season 13 is set in 1969/1970 and reminds us how women started to come into their own. Whether you have seen the previous seasons or not, catch the current season, which is another excellent story with great acting, impactful and real stories and delightful characters.

To watch online, go to:

Your Own Inspiration from Women

What has inspired you lately? Whose story has touched your heart? Spoke to you? Has encouraged you to look inside?

In all of these stories, the main female person was committed to something, even if it took them awhile to discover it. And then, they pursued it. It might not be their life ambition but it has shaped them into the person they are today.

Listen. Each of us is created with specific gifts and talents. God has blessed us with unique abilities. Faith in God can be one of those special gifts. In Hebrews chapter 11, the author recalls many people from the Old Testament who lived their faith daily. Amazingly, women are included in the list! A totally out-of-the-box inclusion at the time this letter was written. Yet, the author felt their accomplishments and commitment to faith were so noteworthy their names are included.

Our desire should not necessarily be to make a Who Who’s list. What drives us should be a deep desire to make a difference in someone’s life. One person. Maybe another. Possibly many people. But a deep desire to affect someone in such a way that they admire you for who you are.

I think looking at what other people, women, do is a great encouragement for us. On this Mother’s Day weekend, contemplate who some of those women have been in your life. May their story inspire you to be this for someone else.

Blessings –


Loving God – We thank you for women of the Bible, like Sarah, Rahab, Mary and others who understood faith as the cornerstone of their lives. Thank you for modern day women who have provided me with encouragement, support and witnessed to me how I can make the difference in my little corner of the world. Thank you for blessing me with the stories of others who have embraced their opportunity to serve others. Amen.

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