Genesis 15:6 – Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

Gratitude Day 804

Hello Saturday Morning!

I pray that you are finding a few minutes to sit down and enjoy your favorite beverage as the day begins. Today, I am coming to you from Sacramento, CA. I am with a couple friends and we will be attending the wedding for our Armenian friend Tatev later today. Here’s a picture of Tatev visiting us during Christmas from a couple years ago. We’re so excited to be able to be with her during this most special day.

On these Saturday morning posts, I often share things that have recently been inspiring me. Do you find this interesting? Do they inspire you? I would love to hear from YOU about what YOU would like to read/reflect/enjoy on Saturday mornings. Seriously.

For today, I am sharing a few things that are encouraging me this week.

2023 Bible Reading Plan

Last week, I shared a 2023 Bible reading plan that my pastor/friend Mary Ann put together. Here it is again.

It takes you through the entire Bible during 2023. Yes, it’s a lot of reading. I’ve been following the plan. One thing I want to do every week is share one verse from the weekly reading that I found inspiring. So, I’ll share these during the Saturday post. Here’s the verse from this week’s reading:

This verse is helpful in reminding us that God is righteousness. What does this mean? Righteousness is part of God’s character. It’s not something God does. It is who God is. When Abram saw this as part of who God was, it changed his relationship with God. We have this same opportunity for to turn to God’s righteousness as part of our relationship with God.

If you haven’t started the Bible reading plan yet, it’s not too late! You can start with this week’s reading and keep going. Or just read what you can each week. I think there is great value in reading scripture regularly and encouraging us to even do it a day or two a week.

Going into 2023

Some people like to make resolutions going into a new year. I find this tricky because it almost sets us up for expectations that may or may not be kept.

Instead of resolutions, I find it more helpful to be mindful of ideas or concepts that help guide my daily life. Little bits of wisdom that we can embrace and help steer the ships of our lives.

I’d love for you to share one little bit of advice or words of wisdom that help shape your daily life. Would you be willing to share those words in as a comment or text or some other way with me? I’m so curious to hear what YOU feel are words that you feel are important in your life. And if you have a specific place or person of inspiration for these words, please include this as well.

A Prayer

Finally, here’s a prayer for us as we reflect upon and to return to throughout the day, week and year.

Thank you for following along with Simple Words of Faith. I appreciate every single reader here and count you as very special people in my life!

For the words of wisdom that inspire us on a daily basis, I am grateful.

Blessings –


O Holy God – Every day is a new opportunity when we live close with you. We have opportunities to learn more of who you are as we dig into the Holy Words of scripture that tell us about You. May we find special verses of scripture that can inspire us in our journey with You. And may sharing words of wisdom be a way we connect to You and with each other. Amen.

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