Psalm 119:28 – My spirit sags because of grief. Now raise me up according to your promise!

Gratitude Day 776

I am not British. But my heart is broken for the United Kingdom and the death of their beloved Queen Elizabeth.

Over a year ago, Queen Elizabeth used these words when her darling Prince Philip passed away: “Grief is the price we pay for love.”

Oh my, how wise she was. Yes, she was speaking of the man she was married to for over seven decades. Yet now, people around the world resonate and are embracing her poignant and heart-felt words. Because she was so dearly loved.

The depths of grief are felt out of our depths of love. The deeper our love, the deeper our grief. The Queen understood this, shared her personal experience of this and in doing so, prepared the world for her passing. It is because she was so dearly loved that the world is filled with overwhelming responses to her death. Her insights into sharing this expression are a wonderful gift for the world as we now grief her passing.

I am an American who has a modest fascination with the English monarchy. While not an expert on it, I am mildly intrigued with it. Maybe this is why last winter, I began watching “The Crown.” Knowing that the Queen’s Jubilee would be celebrated this spring, I thought it would be interesting to learn more about her and her history. “The Crown” is a made-for-television drama. While the accuracy of all the details is certainly up for grabs, the episodes are set within actual historical events. I learned so much about how Queen Elizabeth viewed her role as a monarch and how she approached it. The strong sense of duty that has been spoken about repeatedly since her passing is front and center in “The Crown.”

If you are interested in learning more about the English monarchy, please watch “The Crown.” It came out on Netflix. I watched it by checking out DVD’s from our local library. It will probably be very popular in the upcoming weeks but it is worth the wait!

Most people are acutely aware of the Queen’s deep appreciation for animals. She loved her Corgi dogs and would have preferred to breed horses as her occupation. One other little tidbit about Queen Elizabeth – she was also the owner of the world’s oldest Jersey herd, dating back to 1871.  Here’s an article that shares a bit more about the Queen’s herd:

Queen Elizabeth – a woman who took her role and service deeply to heart. She remained ever loyal to the role she assumed as well as to her faith. I pray that he live of dedication, duty and values will inspire us to choose to live our lives grounded in what is deeply important to us as well.

Other things that have inspired me lately:

This song. Sometimes we just need reassurance that God is always with us. Always.

These words. Yes, we are a few days into September. But the value of what is shared here continues way beyond just one month.

These berries. Right out of our neighbor Kathleen’s raspberry patch. They are so yummy! Find some food this weekend that makes you smile and have a bite!

Grief and love. Love and grief. They are two peas in a pod. Go hand-in-hand. One comes with the other. If you or a loved one is experiencing grief right now, be patient with yourself. Allow for grace. The grief is profound because the love is profound. Amen.

For a simple but very deep explanation of grief, I am very grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – as the world mourns the loss of a Queen, may we be aware of others around us who are feeling lost because of a recent loss in their lives. You know the details. You know the struggles. Come to them and grant them peace. Amen.

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