2 Corinthians 5:17  – So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived!

Gratitude Day 725

Spring is so exciting for many because we see newness all around us:

New grass

New babies

New flowers

In a new arrangement

New buds on the trees

And the newness of a bird’s song.

Sometimes, we have new relationships

And maybe a new Easter outfit.

New opportunities

And new hope.

Once the snow has melted away and little new buds peak up, we often find ourselves with new attitudes because something new is around the corner.

Old is good. I like old. I appreciate old. I celebrate old.

But new is also good.

We can find a new relationship with God that inspires us and encourages us and helps us discover new things about ourselves as well as God.

These are the new things that really are the more important and significant: the newness of life when we live our very beings in the newness of Christ.

How does it all work? Happen?

It can be a bit confusing and maybe the reason we are skeptic of it all.

Sometimes, we just need to focus on the new. The different. The bright little ray of sunshine in our day that amazes us.

Let’s find the beauty in the new. The different. The unexpected.

It’s in the new that we can find hope of new birth.

Today and every day.

For the hope of new each and every day, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Lord God – We are promised the newness of life in Christ … from You. May I see this in spring, in life, in the hope of an egg and the promise of Easter. Amen.

I invite you to check out these other posts about new:

Something Old Something New by Lori Shoaf


Confessions of an Evacuee: The Messy Middle Between Unexpectedly Leaving Home in Ukraine and a New Start by Ashley Olivine

Spring is the Season for Newness by Jessica Haberman


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