John 9:2-4 – His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused this guy’s blindness, his own, or the sin of his parents?”
Jesus answered, “Neither. It happened to him so that you could watch him experience God’s miracle. While I am with you, it is daytime and we must do the works of God who sent me while the light shines. For there is coming a dark night when no one will be able to work.
Gratitude 711
I’ve said it before, and I will continue to say: words matter.
What we say, how we say something, to whom we say things: all these things matter.
Sometimes, it is important for us to learn how to say something appropriate and encouraging.
Today, we’re announcing our February 2022 One Monthly Resolution non-profit organization. This organization reminds me to think about the words I use to describe someone who looks different from me. Or has different capabilities than I do. I need to be sensitive to these folks when I speak about and to them.
This month’s Our Monthly Resolution organization is Dairyland Sports. This organization is committed to improve accessibility and quality of adaptive sports in the state of Wisconsin through support, education, advocacy, and programming for athletes with physical, visual, or intellectual disabilities.
This group is for the person with physical limitations. Or is blind. Maybe struggles. Dairyland Sports advocates for inclusion and recognition of adaptive athletes in Wisconsin and the Midwest. They support adaptive athletes as the pursue individual fitness and athletic goals.
But their work does not stop there. They provide educational opportunities for adaptive athletes, their families, health professionals and community members. Dairyland Sports sees itself as the one-stop-fits-all organization for adaptive sports opportunities, resources and access. Trained PT and OT people are available for adaptive athletes to have access to.
Resources Dairyland Sports Offers
So, what specifically does Dairyland Sports do?
- Provide games and invitationals for adaptive athletes to participate.
- Group Fitness and Training sessions for adaptive athletes.
- Videos and self-directed in-home training opportunities
- Other resources
This is an organization that is making a huge difference for the people who need their services. We have an opportunity during the month of February to support the work they do.
How can we do this?
Go to their website donation page:
If you want to donate online, click here:
Here is a link to their Amazon wishlist:
Snail Mail: Dairyland Sports, PO Box 45736, Madison, WI 53744
They are also looking for gently used equipment and volunteers.
If your employer will make a matching donation, their EIN is: 82-3718737.
Please indicate your donation as part of Our Monthly Resolution.
Why Does This Happen to Some People?
When people we know find themselves struggling physically, mentally or emotionally, we may question why this is happening to them. Jesus reminds us that God can use these situations for the glory of God’s kingdom. Honestly, I think the things that Dairyland Sports does is a way for us to see these situations being turned into a way for us to see how great things can and do happen within God’s kingdom.
It is amazing to watch what God can do as an opportunity for us to learn more about God’s kingdom. I pray we seize these opportunities to grow and learn.
And may we remember that words matter. How we speak of and with a person who is different from us is terribly important. Dairyland Sports teaches us … and a whole lot more.
For those committed to assisting people who have adaptive needs, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – Thank you for bringing people into people’s lives who may be somewhat limited in their abilities. May organizations like Dairyland Sport teach us how to speak with them. Interact with them. Love them and learn from them. Amen.
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