Romans 6:9 – And we know that since the Anointed One has been raised from the dead to die no more, his resurrection life has vanquished death and its power over him is finished.
Gratitude 682
It’s the middle of football season. I enjoy football but I haven’t taken time this fall to sit down and watch an entire game. College, high school or professional. I’ll catch a few minutes but just haven’t prioritized watching a game.
Until this past Thursday. Our “local” team, the Green Bay Packers, played on Thursday night football. Hubby Rick was home. Our friends came over for dinner, which Rick took care of and did a great job! We balanced dinner plates on our laps while cheering on the Green and Gold. AND … they won in literally the last seconds of the game.
What a fun evening. And such good fall inspiration!
I feel like fall is ZOOMING by … but I also want to take in as many good, fun and inspiring things this fall as I possibly can. Here are a few things that have been feeding my soul lately. I hope they will inspire you as well.

This photo. All natural colored eggs. Such a fun way they are organized to show off their beautiful colors.

This book. My friends and I have been studying this book together. We will finish it this week. If you struggle with forgiveness or bitterness or resentment, click on the link below and get yourself a copy.
This song. It was just released this week by this singing group. It has been performed by many different groups and duets. But I think this acapella version by Pentatonix is fabulous. Acapella means there are no instruments in their version. The singers make all of the sounds that could be instruments. So cool.

These little cards. I follow an artist named Emily Lex. She paints little watercolors that are adorable and cute. She has paired some of the little paintings with a Bible verse and turned them into little cards that she makes available for purchase.
I love these cards and often include them when sending a note to someone. They are perfect to give, share and use as personal encouragement. If you are looking for something special to share over the holidays, consider these little cards.
Finally, the best way to be inspired by fall?

Get outside. Go for a walk. Find inspiration even as there is less green out there. Go for a walk and pick up things that you think are pretty or inspiring. Bring them home with you. Form them into the shape of a wreath and let them inspire you. You can make an actual wreath if you want. Or just form them in the shape of a circle and put them on a try or a piece of cardboard. Keep them out so you can remember the beautiful fall day you collected these items as it gets colder.
I know fall can be harder with shorter hours of daylight, dreary days and cooler weather. However, things need to die before they can come back to life. This is why fall is such an important season. Fall gives us hope for things to come. And let’s relish this hope in the upcoming days!
For lessons from frost and flowers, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – Thank You for another growing season. As the last days of it wrap up, may I see the glorious way you orchestrate creation. May we see lots of lessons from Your canvas today. Amen.
(FYI – there is an affiliate link in this blog. I will make a tiny bit of money when you purchase the book, but it will not cost you any additional money.)
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