Gratitude Day 655
Philippians 4:6 – Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life,
After traveling 2,645 miles, Hubby Rick and I made it home from a Sabbath/vacation trip. We totally and deeply appreciate the wonderful time we’ve had the past couple weeks. Blessed is not a word we take lightly.

As soon as we were home, there were even more reasons for feel blessed. Our garden had its first ripe tomato, there were a few beans and lots of lettuce to pick. Our broccoli crop is through the roof and our wonderful neighbor mowed our lawn unexpectedly. We definitely feel a cherry has been placed on the top of our lives.
As we drove through different states and experienced so many different types of landscape, these were the easy reasons to feel blessed. Gratitude is something I take seriously. And recently, I’m finding all different reasons to truly feel abundantly blessed:
- Spending time with family and friends.
- Great hosts and hostesses throughout our trip.
- Experiencing such a wide variety of God’ kingdom.
- Safely throughout our trip.
- In-person worship with special people.
- Wonderful food to fill our bellies.
- Great conversations and silence as well.
- An abundance of flowers in all different types of climates.
- The ability to get time away.
- And the list goes on and on.
Whether you get time away this summer or not, we all have so many reasons to feel gratitude these days. Sometimes, it’s easier to focus on what we think we DON’T have rather than fully appreciating everything we have been blessed with. No matter what is going on in your life, I pray you will slow down today and every day and count the blessings in your life.

Sometimes, we let our daily lives get too full and busy and we fail to appreciate all the wonderful things in our lives. Today, let’s make it a day full of gratitude and blessings and appreciation for all we have. It is so easy to spend our days filled with worry and distracted by things way out of our control. Let’s covenant with ourselves and God to let God take care of the big stuff that we can’t control. I think our day will be much more enjoyable when we do.
For daily reasons to express gratitude, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – Thank you for blessing so beyond what we need and want. May this day be dedicated to gratitude throughout the day. Amen.
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