Gratitude Day 602

Luke 12:28 – God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. Won’t he do even more for you? You have such little faith!

This is such a great time of the year. Nearly daily, the outdoors changes. Almost all of our snow is melted in our area. The only place where there are little patches are where there’s tree shade. Our neighbors and Hubby Rick have been raking the last couple of days. I’m seeing flower beds getting cleaned out and photos of early flowers popping up on social media.

It’s SO EASY to fail to appreciate the true beauty of creation that is all around us.

The buds just beginning to swell.

The deer out grazing as the evening shadow lengthen.

The tiny green sprouts finding their ways up through the soil barrier.

Petite and colorful petals from the very early spring varieties adding much needed color to the drab landscape.

Mud puddles that promise to water the ground.

More people out walking and biking and running and walking the dog or with their children.

This is a fantastic time of the year. I’ve been trying to get outside every day. A quick run. A tour through the yard. A walk with Hubby Rick. Sometimes the air remains a bit cold and there’s a wind. But it’s still glorious to drink in the fresh air and the sun’s rays on my face.

Today, make time to be outside. If you normally spend a lot of time outside, slow down and drink in the signs of spring. If getting outside is a little more challenging for you, find a few minutes to listen to the birds and see what signs of spring are around you.

Drink them in. Take mental photographs of these days so you can remember them. Appreciate the longer minutes of daylight. Say “Thank You, God” and mean it.

For the hope of spring and a new season, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – It is so refreshing to see the signs of the new season of spring that is clamoring more each day. Help me to appreciate even the slightest changes from winter to spring. May I drink them all in and celebrate Your glorious creation. Amen.

Stop by diannedeatonvielhuber on Instagram today for a few more thoughts about today’s Lenten topic.

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