Gratitude Day 532
Wed., Nov. 11, 2020
Psalm 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Here have been so many days in which we have not been able to honor or recognize someone as we would like to these past number of months. And today, Veteran’s Day, is one more instance.
Yet, we do have opportunities to appreciate where we live. What opportunities and freedoms we have as well as recognize that so many have been a part of securing these opportunities for us.
We make the choice whether or not to take advantage of the opportunities we can find … if we’re just a bit more creative.
- Write a note to a vet that you know. Or if you don’t personally know one, send a letter to the local veteran’s group in your area.
- Send a gift to a veteran’s hospital or other care facility.
- Explore where you can send a care package to an active duty military person for the holidays.
- Display a flag today.
- Educate yourself about some aspect of our country’s history that you find interesting.
We are hearing a lot about freedom these days. Freedom is important. Not to be taken for granted. Involves a price. Something that us American’s often think very little of because we have so little experience of living without it.
For me, freedom is rooted in something much deeper and far reaching. It’s rooted in the very nature of God in that God grants me the freedom to make choices about my life. I don’t feel that I journey through life only experiencing the pre-ordained things that God planned for me. Rather, I get to make lots and lots of choices along the way. And God is there when I make the less-than-desirable choices as well as when I seemingly choose a great option.
It’s the freedom we find in Jesus choosing to come to earth as a human for our benefit. Quite honestly, I appreciate this freedom more some days than I do other days. Just like the daily freedom I have because of where I live and what I do.
There’s one more aspect of freedom that I feel is important: freedom only works when others make sacrifices along the way for the good of the whole. This is what happens each time a person is willing to serve for the good of our country. At times, we feel our individual freedom is so important. Yet, I pray we see that choosing individual freedom over community doesn’t really value those who have guaranteed freedom for us all and their sacrifice.
In my mind, it’s impossible to separate freedom from community, from the freedom that God gives us and the impact we all have in how we view this. I’m appreciate for those who have made sacrifices so I can experience freedom in a place that grants me so many opportunities. May I honor and celebrate this today. Amen.
I’m going to continue this conversation tonight during Devos with Dianne as I have a “conversation” of sorts with my favorite vet.
For the larger picture of freedom, I am grateful.
Blessings –
So often, we claim freedom as a right and something we deserve. I pray that we step back and see how freedom is truly more than this definition. Amen.
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