Gratitude Day 441
Wed., Apr. 15, 2020
Romans 8:26: In the same way, the Spirit comes to help our weakness. And while they dance, people sing: “The source of my life comes from you.”

Hello God –
Just stopping by to say, “Good Day.” And share a few things I’ve been thinking about.
Sometimes, people wonder where You are right now. And here’s what I say:
You are present with the people I know who have COVID-19 right now, even as their health maybe declining.
You are with the folks who are slowly recovering from the virus, who are trying to get stronger.
You are with the people who have been laid-off and not sure what to do next about employment.
You are with all the small business owners who have shuttered their businesses and wondering if reopening makes sense.
You are with the business owners who are still operating, often with employee’s set-up at home, but aren’t sure how they are going to make their next payroll.
You are with the doctors who are stumped by a virus they know very little about.
You are with the nurses who are exhausted and sheltering from their families to keep them safe.
You are with every parent who is learning homeschooling on the fly … while also being the PE instructor, the lunchroom supervisor … and still trying to work from home.
You are with every single person who is staying in place by themselves and feeling a bit isolated.
You are with every dairy producer who has had to dump milk, knowing the local food pantry can’t keep up with demand.
You are with every graduate who feels cheated of a graduation ceremony right now.
You are with the girls who look at their Prom dresses and wonder if it will be worn.
You are with every child who just wants to have a birthday party … and can’t.
You are with every couple who has had to delay their wedding plans.
You are with every family who has lost a loved one and had to be creative in making funeral arrangements.
You are with family who can’t be with their loved one in the hospital and depend upon nurses and caregivers to hold their loved one’s hand.
You are with the folks in nursing home and care facilities who haven’t been able to have visitors for weeks, as well as with the family members who yearn to visit and can’t.
You are with the families trying to decide what they can pay for this week and what can wait.
You are with the person who is feeling depressed, isolated and very alone.
You are with the child who longs to be with their friends at school … and can’t.
You are with the teachers who want to connect with students but are finding it challenging.
You are with the police officers, fire fighters and EMT’s that are called to serve in new ways.
You are with the truckers who are trying to get product safety to right locations.
You are with those folks who make sure there is food to by at the local grocery store.
You are with the delivery people who drop off packages at people’s homes.
You are with the folks who volunteer at food pantries and provide weekend food bags to students to help ease the challenge of food insecurity.
Be with us when we get distracted and can’t focus on what’s important because we are feeling a bit out of sorts.
Be with those who are feeling dark and alone. Bring a ray of sunshine into their lives.
Be with those who question what their next step should be. Help them to be patient and turn to You.
And for those of us who feel that You have left the building and aren’t present in our lives, find some small way to help us know that You will never leave us.
Now, simply grant us patience when our prayers aren’t answered immediately as we would prefer. Drown us in patience and humility and compassion for those who may see things differently than we do.
And when we no longer have words to say, remind us that the Holy Spirit will step in and pray on our behalf. Thank you for this wonderful gift.
Amen and Amen.
Blessings –
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See you tonight on Devos with Dianne at 8 PM on Facebook Live!

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