Gratitude Day 433

Sat., Apr. 4, 2020

John 12:13: They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Tomorrow begins my favorite week of the year: Holy Week. It’s a week that allows us to remember, celebrate and rediscover just why Jesus came to this year, who he was and what this still means for us today.

The week begins remembering his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As he rides on a donkey, people are so excited! They wave branches and lay their cloaks on the road in front of him. The irony is not lost that in quick order, nearly every friend becomes a foe and turns against Jesus.

So, how do Christians celebrate and honor Jesus in light of not being able to worship together on Palm Sunday? Here are a few suggestions:

Decorate with homemade Palm leaves. You can print them from here. Color them. Put them on windows, your table, etc.

Listen to your favorite Hosanna! songs. Here’s one of mine.

Decorate your home for Easter. Some of us may be wondering if getting out eggs and other Easter decorations are important when no one but us will see them. Let me tell you this: it IS important for us! Put out a few of your favorite Easter things; at minimum a bunch of eggs on your table or in a bowl. It will brighten up your attitude!

Participate in online worship. There are lots of options right now.

Choose a specific time tomorrow to celebrate Palm Sunday in your home. Read the story. Wave your homemade palm branches. Pray and be with God.

It maybe very easy to skip Holy Week this year. I think it’s more important than ever to be intentional about finding ways to have some “normal” activities in our lives right now. Please make Holy Week one of them.

For the opportunity to make Palm Sunday personal for me, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Lord God – it may feel like there is no “normal” right now. Yet, Easter IS coming. Holy Week is upon us. Place ways upon our hearts that we can honor, celebrate and remember these special events this next week. Amen.

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