Gratitude Day 431
Wed., Apr. 1, 2020
Matthew 6:6: But when you pray, go to your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father who is present in that secret place. Your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you.
Yes, pictures can speak a million words.
Just like this one.

On Fri., Mar., 27, Pope Francis prayed in a desolate St. Peter’s Square in Rome, Italy. A country that has been very hard-hit by COVID-19. People within the Vatican have been confirmed to have the virus.
So, the Pope employed the most impactful way he could respond: he held a prayer meeting to an empty church. An empty square. While it was televised, the Pope chose to appeal to everyone to approach our current world situation in prayer.
He closed with the Urbi et Orbi Blessing, which is normally only given by the Pope at Easter and Christmas. He decided to issue this Blessing early this year. Why? I’m not sure. But maybe he wanted those people who might not be here at Easter to hear it now.
No, the Pope didn’t pray in a closet. But he certainly understands that praying without others present is definitely still prayer.

The Pope has announced his decision to cancel all in-person Easter and Holy Week services because he feels this is the best way to love those who are most vulnerable.
What a powerful witness. It’s an extra-ordinary example of how we can best love our neighbor.
I read this line this week. I don’t remember where, but the words are spot on:
Love is the last thing we need to ration right now.
Love is the last thing we need to ration right now.
Amen and Amen and Amen.
Today is Wednesday, a day that I often write about prayer. I’m going to keep my words short. Look closely at the photos. They are doing all the talking for me today.

One last thing – please join me tonight at 8 PM Central Time on Facebook Live for Devos with Dianne. I am so looking forward to spending some time together tonight. And yes, we’ll pray together.

For the hope of prayer, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – sometimes, we wonder what we CAN do. Again and again, we are reminded the most important thing we can do is PRAY. Thank you for this wonderful witness from a man whose heart is so turned towards You. May we see that praying alone is extremely powerful and important. May we commit to praying all day, every day. Amen.
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