Wednesday Prayer Day
Gratitude Day 416
Wed., Mar. 4, 2020
Psalm 55:1: Listen to my prayer, O God; don’t hide yourself when I cry to you.
It’s Wednesday which means that it’s prayer day!!
Too often, I think we never fully consider how powerful God really is. I lump myself into this category as well. When I pray, I am not bold. I limit the scope of my prayers, hoping this will entice God to act. Unconsciously, we set in our minds a limit of how much God can give us or help us.

We are stingy with God. We’re stingy with ourselves. And when we receive a gift beyond our imagining, too often, we want to send it back.
Let me be clear. God doesn’t have this magic wand that God chooses to use at times. But sometimes, don’t we wish this is the way God worked?
Since we know God doesn’t have a magic wand, it becomes easy for us to limit what we request of God.
In reality, I wish we would rather see how God is unlimited in supply. Likewise, ALL have equal access to God. If we choose.
God truly has no limit of abundance. God’s ability is far beyond our comprehension. So, if this is true, why do we often pray as if there is a limit to what God can do in any given situation?
When we move beyond a scarcity mentality when it comes to God’s ability to answer prayer, then we receive God’s goodness as an act of worship. When we see prayer as something we cooperate with God, we move beyond limiting prayer into neat, nice, little boxes.
For today, be BOLD in your prayer requests. Be audacious. Be crazy. Be unfiltered. Ask for all those things you really do wish would happen. I’m not saying these things will happen. I just pray that we see that prayer is a wonderful opportunity to move beyond our comfortable spaces and come to God with no limitations. No boundaries. No limits.
FYI – I’m also attaching the Lenten prayer guide here again; just in case you missed it. This is an easy way to build regular prayer into your Lenten journey this year. And please … be bold as you make these prayer requests.

For rediscovering that God is way bigger than we can imagine, I am grateful.

Blessings –
Dear God – why do we often approach you with an air of scarcity when it comes to prayer rather than being bold in our requests? Instill in us a desire to be bold and not afraid to ask in our prayer times. Amen.
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