Gratitude Day 338
Sat., Oct. 12, 2019
Jeremiah 5:24: They do not say to themselves, ‘Let us fear the Lord our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.’
And just like that, fall is here in Wisconsin.
Yes, by the calendar we’re a good three weeks into fall. Yesterday, the temperatures fell all day. The warnings were frost were heeded. Today, we’re digging out warm sweaters and winter coats and trying to remember where we last put our gloves and a hat.
Fall is here.
To fully embrace all things fall, here are just a few things going on at the Vielhuber household lately:

- Pumpkin bread. It is so yummy!! Nothing quite tastes like fall than a warm sliver of pumpkin bread and a great cup of coffee. It was my breakfast of champions today.

- Bouquets of flowers inside the house. The weather people predicted frost for last night. Hubby Rick helped me pick some of the late-season zinnias and marigolds from the garden. I just wasn’t ready to let them go. We’ll enjoy them scattered around the house in vases.

- Where do I put this overflowing house plant? Every summer, I put him outside on the screened in porch. And HE. LOVES. IT. More sun but not too much. Room to grow and multiply. But what do I do with him now? He’s so big and nice. And takes up lots of space. I just put him on the radiator last night so he wouldn’t freeze. But next? Hmmm….

- It’s pumpkin time! We had one big and beautiful volunteer pumpkin in the garden. Yesterday, we picked up two more at a little roadside pumpkin stand. A flat-bed hay wagon full of pumpkins. With a self-pay box on the wagon. Pumpkins for $1, $3 or $5. We bought two $3. They are perfect.
- Tomato Soup. I love making soup when it is cold outside. I had some tomatoes lingering in the refrigerator. Hubby Rick suggested soup. I must say … it was delicious. Super easy and oh, so good!

- This stinking cute picture. It’s not fall related. It’s our granddaughter Ellie. So enthralled with the flyers we had just picked up at the printing place. I’m completely in love with her and the photo. Even more cute? I had just picked her up from volleyball. Now, shes’s looking at the girls who play on a varsity team.
It’s all things fall today. Embrace it. Breathe deep and smell the change in the air. Hear the leaves crunch as you walk across the lawn. Taste the pumpkin flavor. Feel your teeth go through a crunchy apple. Praise God and be thankful for this day. This life. This season of your life. This season of fall.
For the gift of the season of fall, I am grateful.
Holy God – may we never take for granted the amazing seasons we get to enjoy. Help us drink in whatever season we currently are. May all of creation bring a smile to our faces today. Amen.
Blessings –
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