Gratitude Day 282
Fri., June 7, 2019
Romans 12:3 – I realize how kind God has been to me, and so I tell each of you not to think you are better than you really are. Use good sense and measure yourself by the amount of faith that God has given you.
There’s a saying that goes something like, “A little bit of kindness goes a long way.”
One of Hubby Rick’s favorite sayings is, “It’s easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.”
Recently, I saw this saying and thought it was spot on:

Often, people will say to me, “She/he was a good person.” Most often, I hear this when I am preparing someone’s funeral. I find it interesting that “good” is the default word often used. To me, “good” is such a subjective term. What I consider “good” may or may not be what you determine as “good.”
But when it comes to kindness, I think it’s much easier to have a more equal kindness scale. Yes, people make rank certain things higher on the kindness scale. But we can theoretically agree what should even approach the kindness list:
- Holding the door for someone.
- Saying “please” and “thank you.”
- Going out of a one’s way to do something for someone else.
- Picking up the tab for a meal.
- Giving a bouquet of flowers for no reason at all.
- Taking time to visit with someone.
- Acting interested in something a person you know is participating in.
- Dropping whatever you are doing to help someone in need.
- Passing over something you want and giving it to another person instead.
Yes, there are hundreds and thousands of other ways to be kind to someone else. Some of these things take seconds to do. Others can take hours or days or weeks.
We also can quickly identify when kindness could have been extended … and it wasn’t. Most often, it would have taken 30 seconds or less. And the choice is made not to do it. Unfortunately, the lack of kindness often becomes the focus on the relationship rather than applauding some kind gesture that did happen.
I’ve been the receipient of many kind gestures lately. Each one was just as meaningful as the last, whether it was quick and over or a longer period of time. What amazes me about kindness? Often, it takes no more time and effort to extend a quick little moment of kindness than it does to withhold it. We think we don’t have time or energy or resources to extend a moment of kindness; when in reality, doing something for someone else can actually give us energy. Crazy as this may sound, it’s the TRUTH!!
So today, grasp an opportunity laid before you to be kind. Don’t stop with just one instance of kindness. That would be too easy. Challenge yourself to find multiple opportunities to extend just a big of kindness to someone else. See how this affects your attitude, your demenor and your outlook. Maybe, just maybe, it will also put a spring into your step!
For recognition of God’s kindness to me being meaningful enough that I extend kindness to others, I am grateful.
Holy God – may we come to appreciate just how deep and significantly it is that you love us. Rooted deeply in kindness. May we be inspired by your kindness to us that we make extending kindness a regular part of our day. Amen.
Blessings –
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