

Passport to Prayer – Lent 2016

Thursday – Mar. 24, 2016

John 13:4-5: So Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciple’s feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.  

It was the job the lowliest servant usually had. Instead, Jesus washed the dirty, smelly, stinky feet of his disciples. In an ultimate example of serving, Jesus teaches us what it means to be a servant leader. Who recently has “washed” your feet? Whose feet do you need to “wash”? If possible, be in contact with the sixth person you chose to reach out to this Lent today.

_____ Attend Maundy Thursday Worship

Washing their feet. Breaking the bread and naming it your body. Did you lift a cup and call it a new covenant? Your words at the garden rip open our hearts. Did you love the world this much?  Fill us with a deep desire to love. Free us to believe what we cannot understand. Amen.

Blessings –


I have put together a Passport of Prayer for Lent 2016. Would you like the complete Passport to Prayer guide? Please e-mail me at dideaton@hotmail.com

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