Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Gratitude Day 930

The highlight of my week? When I heard these words uttered by a 20ish-year-old young man at his great-grandfather’s memorial service: “He was my best friend.”

I’d just finished sharing some memories of this great-grandfather, Arden, and sat down. As a I approached the pew where Hubby Rick was sitting, the woman in the pew behind me reached out her hand and touched me. “That was so wonderful.”

My words were followed by the young great-grandson, who stood in front of family and friends and began his comments with, “My great-grandpa? He was my best friend.”

My heart melted. In a very good way. It didn’t matter what I had just shared. This young man shared very personal little stories about his great-grandfather. His best friend. What a wonderful testament to this man who meant so much to him.

The next morning, Hubby Rick and I were still reflecting about Arden’s service. And the young man who bravely shared his soul with the rest of us there. This is one of my takeaways: keep investing in people. Keep reaching out to them, encouraging them because as you do, they realize that they are special to you. And you just never know how you are filling another person’s well.

It’s Lent. A time of the year when we are encouraged to think just a bit more about our spiritual lives and what believing in God means. It sounds great on paper and in theory. But what about when you are tired? Exhausted? Feeling like I don’t need one more thing to do?

This is real. And an honest response. Maybe, it’s looking at what we are currently doing just a bit differently and letting this be the guide of how we fill our wells. Sometimes, it’s just being a bit more aware of what fills our hearts and souls and appreciating the opportunities to do so.

So, how can we think about filling our wells this Lent? Here are a few ideas:

Invest in a relationship. Pick one person who you will check in with on a regular basis during Lent. It doesn’t have to be every day. Just regularly. A quick phone call. A text message. Ask, “How is your soul today?” and see how they are.

Reach out to a silent person in your life. If you haven’t heard from someone lately, maybe they need someone to reach out to them. Maybe they just need a friend. Make a point to stop by. Take them flowers, a dessert. Invite them for ice cream or coffee. Just check in on them.

Pray for someone special every day. It can be a different person every day. Or the same one. Invest a few minutes and lift up this person specifically. If you feel comfortable doing so, share how you are praying for them.

Read a book you’ve been longing to read. Start with five pages a day. Pick a time that you can try to consistently read a few pages and do so. Rather than grabbing your phone and endlessly scrolling, choose to read a book for fun. It doesn’t have to be a Christian-based book. Just any book with do.

Start a list of inspiring quotes that you like. When you hear or read a line that you like, write it down. And keep adding it to you. When you are feeling down or challenged, go back and read these quotes. They might even be a bit inspiring. Sometimes, I take screenshots of quotes I like on my phone. And then, I go back and read them when I need a pick-me-up.

The young man at the service? He believed his great-grandpa was his best friend because Arden filled his well on a regular basis. It’s great when someone takes the time to invest in us. It is special and makes us feel like a million bucks. This Lent, you have an opportunity to do this for yourself and someone else. Whether this person is your best friend or not, you will make a difference in their lives when you take time to fill their well. Your well may just get filled as you share with another person. If not, fill your well with someone of the other suggestions. And see how your well may feel just a bit fuller come Easter morning.

For the reminder to fill my own and someone else’s well, I am thankful.

Blessings –

Loving God – When I think I don’t have time to do one more thing, may I remember this is my life. And I get to choose how I live it. This Lent, may I be encouraged to fill my well. Whether it is filling my well by investing in someone else and/or investing in myself, help me choose this as something important. Every. Day. Amen.

Looking for a bit of daily inspiration? Check out my daily affirmation posts on Facebook and Instagram (Dianne Deaton Vielhuber and Simple Words of Faith.)

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