Philippians 1:6 – God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won’t stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns.
Gratitude Day 928
This is how many days begin: I make a list of all those things I think I should get done. Should, being the opportune word. Should is so subjective. It’s what, my little ideal world, would magically be accomplished before my head hits the pillow again.
Already, I know this is more of a wish list than a reality list. Most days? It’s way more than I can ever really accomplish. But I want to capture them all; “just in case.”
Ugh. Why?
Why do I think an unrealistic list is realistic? Because this is an area of my life that I struggle with so much. There’s this part of me that I can’t quite let go. I just need to do one more thing that before …
Before what? That’s the magic question. Before I’ll be satisfied? Feel complete? Know that I’ve done all I can for God’s kingdom today?
But here’s the real deal. The “work” will never be complete. There will always be “one more thing” to do. I’ll probably be trying to squeeze just one more thing in on that day that I have no control over.
OK. So what is a different perspective? A healthier way to view life?
Pick the most important items that God would love for you to do today. And let the rest set. Being complete is not about doing it ALL. It’s about doing the RIGHT THINGS. It’s understanding that our value and worth is already accomplished for us through Christ. We just need to be comfortable in knowing our value doesn’t come from what we do. It comes from being in Christ and knowing our value there is already enough. Christ has already done the good work for us. Now, we embrace this and know this is enough.
It’s not about being lazy or complacent. It’s shifting our understanding and knowing that what we do doesn’t earn more accolades with God. It’s sifting through and picking out the ones that God really wants us to do because these are the most important gifts and talents we have to share within God’s kingdom.
And then, letting some of those other things go. Saying, “Not yet,” or maybe, “Never.” Recognizing that we can’t do it all and so, our best work is embracing those ones that only we can do and letting the rest go.
Stopping the constant need to do more and embracing the desire to do less.
Knowing that our most important role is picking those few things and leaving the rest for later or never.
Acquainting ourselves with communication in God that helps us know the difference between the absolute necessary and the pure busy that only keeps us distracted from the necessary.
Of finding comfort in listening more of God’s wisdom and less of what culture says we should be doing or focusing on.
Yes, I know. This is all sometimes very difficult and not very clear. It’s not easy to know what to let go and what to embrace. I know … because this, too, is my daily struggle.
So, how do we sort through this? How do we find comfort and peace in knowing the right things to focus on and letting the rest go?
• Keep in communication with God. Unless we have a regular and consistent communication plan with God, let us not expect God to simply show up on demand. It’s when we’ve been listening for God over and over that God’s voice becomes more regular and consistent in our lives.
• If we must, write everything down just to capture it. And before we dive in, go back slowly through the list and pick the 3-4 really important things. Do them first. And if the rest doesn’t get accomplished? Well, there is tomorrow.
• Know that doing, doing, doing isn’t what God wants for us. God yearns for us to be; to sit at the Lord’s feet and know the One who created us. Redeems us and sustains us through every single day, if we ask for such guidance. Being, being, being is just as necessary and important.
• Remember that what God has accomplished in you is enough. Yes, it’s important to serve God and God’s kingdom. But our value and worth doesn’t come from this. It’s remembering that You, too, are a beloved child of God. And this is enough.
• Maybe find an accountability partner or someone that you can chat about this with. Sometimes, someone else can help you see more clearly the things that God yearns for you to hear. P.S. – sometimes God speaks to us through other people.
• Be ready to move those unfinished things to tomorrow. And after enough days of not getting them completed, maybe then, this is your way to determining that they really weren’t that important after all.
Feeling completely complete may or may not every happen. Be satisfied with this. Because God already knows your value. Sometimes, we just need to figure this out for ourselves.
For the blessing of knowing I am enough in God, I am thankful.
Blessings –
Lord God – While it may be difficult for me to fully appreciate my complete being in light of what You have already accomplished for me, help me move in this direction. Give me confidence to know that in You, I am enough. Help me sort through those things daily, weekly, monthly and annually that You yearn for me to accept and serve as a part of Your kingdom. Amen.
Looking for a bit of daily inspiration? Check out my daily affirmation posts on Facebook and Instagram (Dianne Deaton Vielhuber and Simple Words of Faith.)
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