1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray continually.
Gratitude Day 926
This past week, it has felt like a month of Sundays. So. Much. Has. Happened.
One thought that keeps circling back to me is this: we need more than thoughts and prayers.
You know. Something challenging has happened. And we say the other party is in our “thoughts and prayers.”
Yep. I do it too. With a small change. My standard answer? “Hugs and prayers.” But is it any different?
Thoughts and prayers. Hugs and prayers. We say it because, well, we don’t know what else to say. And shouldn’t we say something?
Let me be clear. Thoughts and prayers is safer than some of the other things we could say that, um, well, I like even less. The ones that REALLY drive me crazy?
Everything happens for a reason. I sure hope not.
It could be worse. Maybe not in the moment.
It’s God’s will. I’d love to know what leads you to believe this.
I’ll save the rest.
Back to thoughts and prayers. Yes, it’s not so bad. It just feels so, well, empty.
So, what do we say instead? How do we acknowledge hurt and sadness without trying to turn it into an unhelpful moral lesson?
We hug. But that doesn’t work very well across the internet and our cell phones.
We really, really pray. Whether we say so or not. Like not just say we’re going to pray, but we actually take a couple minutes and pray for the situation.
We reach out to the person privately. Sometimes, it is easier to hide behind our cell phones, our screens, our devices. Maybe it’s time to actually have a real conversation with someone, remembering to listen more than to speak.
We refrain from saying things that will cause hurt. When a person already feels down, please avoid inflicting more pain. Those thoughts that you may want to really, really say? Keep them to yourself. Please. They won’t help. They will only cause more pain.
I know. These still aren’t super great responses. Or answers. As you can see, I struggle with this as well. It’s one of those situations where are there really good answers? I’m still looking.
In the meantime, let’s try to do a little better than “thoughts and prayers.” Because, my friends, every day, we need to enlist the only One who can calm us down. Show us hope. Grant us peace. All things we need today and every day.
Blessings –
Almighty God – Thank you for being patient with us when we lack the words to adequately say. Be with us when we are in a situation that just feels, well, impossible. Keep us grounded so when awful things happen, we do not simply dismiss them. Instead, give us hearts of compassion for those who are hurting right now. Help us to simply lean in on you when we run out of the right words to say. May we follow Jesus’ example and simply be present. Amen.
Looking for a bit of daily inspiration? Check out my daily affirmation posts on Facebook and Instagram (Dianne Deaton Vielhuber and Simple Words of Faith.)
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