Acts 28:2 – The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.

Gratitude Day 905

What does the world need right now?


What do our communities and neighborhoods need?


What do our family and friends desperately need?


For the next 30ish day, lots of things will probably be said about certain people. I don’t know about you, but I really would prefer more kindness in my life than rotten things that people may say.

And then I realized. If I want more kindness in my life, than it is up to me to advocate for it. Show up with kindness in my heart and mind. Display profound amounts of kindness to offset all the awful things that might get said in the next month or so.

As an alternative to all the yucky things that draw energy away from people, may I propose something different? Something I believe can bring out the best of people and be examples of  different message than what so many people are hearing these days, it is our responsibility not to complain but to offer something.

Let’s offer kindness. To the world, our communities, with our neighbors and enemies, our friends and family. Let’s focus on extending as much kindness as we possible can and simply see what happens. Maybe it won’t move the needle much? But I’m willing to try.

Kindness can happen many, many different ways. Kind acts can boost our emotional, spiritual, physical and social well-being. When we perform kind acts, it changes us psychologically and we become more grateful, empathetic and compassionate. Biologically, acts of kindness help us discover more trust with other people. Our self-esteem and optimism may even improve.

Listed below are 30 random acts of kindness. How about we do one of these little acts each day for the next 30 dans. And then, see how you feel about  yourself. Others. What is going on in the world before you.

I’m not asking you to do anything wild and crazy. It doesn’t really to cost much money. But if we want to live in a place where positivity overrides negativity, then we are the ones who need to promote it. Begin it. Encourage others to do the same.

So, who is with me? Ready to include one small kindness act a day and see how it changes you?

Let’s go.

  1. Let someone go in front of you while in line at the store.
  2. Spread encouragement on social media.
  3. Pay for someone’s coffee or soda.
  4. Send a gratitude email to someone.
  5. Make someone laugh. Like a real belly laugh.  
  6. Cook and drop off a meal or dessert for someone.
  7. Let a driver merge into your lane in front of you and smile at them.
  8. Pick up trash.
  9. Pray for someone that you haven’t before.
  10. Give someone a hug.
  11. Compliment someone.
  12. Hold the door for someone as they enter a place.
  13. Decide to just listen to someone and not talk.
  14. Call the person you always think you are going to call.
  15. Give someone a bouquet of flowers.
  16. Volunteer someplace new for a couple hours.
  17. Make a donation to a local charity – money or things.
  18. Provide an hour or two of respite care so a caregiver can get a break.
  19. Send a long-overdue thank you card.
  20. Give someone a ride.
  21. Share a favorite book or magazine with someone.
  22. Have lunch with someone who might be lonely.
  23. Invite someone to an apple orchard, a game, church, a concert or something else.
  24. Take a picture of someone and give them an actual copy of it.
  25. Sit next to someone who is sitting alone.
  26. Invite someone for ice cream.
  27. Give someone your time in a way that you can help them.
  28. Take someone to an appointment.
  29. Get someone to smile.
  30. Your own idea – I’m sure you have better ones than I do!

Seriously. Can you pick one small way to show kindness for the next 30 days? At the end of the day, rethink how you felt sharing kindness. Write a few words about this. And also observe where YOU were extended kindness throughout the day.

I would love to imagine a time when being kind and generous with others became more important than where we differ. If you feel so inclined, invite someone else to join this kindness journey with you. This is how we make a difference: one person at a time.

For the opportunity to share random acts of kindness for the next month, I am very grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – I can complain about what is happening around me or I can try and make a difference. Lord – inspire me daily to be a person who makes one small difference in another person’s life. Help me see opportunities to simply be kind to others for the next 30 days. May I embrace them and celebrate each little random act of kindness. Thank you for a great model of kindness to share with others. Amen.

Looking for a bit of daily inspiration? Check out my daily affirmation posts on Facebook (Dianne Deaton Vielhuber and Simple Words of Faith) or on Instagram (diannedeatonvielhuber.)

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