Hebrew 12:1-2 – Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won’t let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew later on he would be glad he did. Now he is seated at the right side of God’s throne!

Gratitude Day 894

I am not one of those people who has it all together.


At times, it may seem that I do. Yes, for the most part, my house is clean and put together. I keep myself fed and the flowers watered. I help others and hope that sometimes, I bring a little joy into someone else’s life.

But here’s the hard truth: most of the time, I’m bumbling along, trying to find the rhythm of life that I long for. Yearn for. Desire to have.  

Oh, yes. I have great intentions. I want to be my own best cheerleader. But I get distracted. I procrastinate. I do the “easy” thing rather than the most important thing. My mind bounces from one thought to the next, with little actual application. The days zip by and I wonder what I actually did today.

At times, I do get things accomplished. But other times? Not so much.

Today is August 1. The beginning of a new month. We’re flipping the page on the calendar and trying to convince ourselves that, “this month will be different. I’ll get those things done that I’ve been putting off/avoiding/procrastinating.”

A great time to start fresh and develop a new rhythm.

Did I mention that just a couple days ago, I finally flipped a hanging calendar in our guest bedroom from June to July? Yep, just a couple of days before it is time to flip it once again.  

Finding a daily rhythm sounds great. Something that makes sense. An opportunity to be more efficient and productive and following the special things God yearns for me to do. But actually finding this rhythm? Well, this is a lot more challenging.

I’ve tried a variety of systems to help me try and develop a method that would help me feel more in the groove. Sometimes they work for a while. But in all honesty, it’s not the system that’s the problem.

It’s me.

I start something but I don’t follow through. I have great ideas but find something else to do that is easier or has a quicker reward. As far as today’s “to-do” list? Most days, I’m writing half of the things from today’s list onto tomorrow’s list because, well, they didn’t get done. Maybe my expectations were not realistic. Other times, I just don’t do the hard things.

When I’m in rhythm, I feel like I can do great things. What I do makes a difference in someone else’s life. I’m making a difference. When I’m out of rhythm, well, everything just feels more difficult. Challenging. I’m distracted. I procrastinate regularly.

And then, I feel disappointed in myself. I feel empty and question my ability to follow God’s call in my life. Life just feels more out of whack.

Creating rhythm in life feels great. But it also takes being intentional. It just doesn’t happen on it’s own. Rhythm also requires times of self-care because when we are filled, then it is much easier to fill and impact those around us.

Today, I am sharing 14 tips for how you can create more rhythm in your life. Most of these ideas can be done in a short period of time. Less than an hour. Most of us feel too strapped to dedicate a bunch of time to creating moments of rhythm in our lives on a daily basis.

But we can find a few moments or minutes to stop and fill our hearts and souls. When we use the practice of rhythm in our lives, we discover that other things feel less daunting and we are more confident about ourselves. So, here are some of the ways I try to create rhythm in my life. As you read this list, the goal isn’t to do all of these suggestions every day.  Pick one or two ideas that sound more intriguing to you and build them into your daily life. When you feel comfortable with one of these rhythms, then you can add another one and so on.

Begin the day with a bit of “me” time. I have tried to do this regularly for years. During COVID, I made this a huge priority and have been extremely consistent with this since. I like to journal as part of this time just for me. I know journaling isn’t for everyone. You get to choose! What can you do in your “me” time? Read a bit of scripture. Even just a few verses of a gospel or a psalm are a great place to start.

I also read a chapter of a non-fiction book. This could be something that I am researching or wanting to learn more about. It could be a book that I am using in another capacity. I call this “spiritual” reading. I have read a wide variety of books and will share some book ideas in another post soon. If you don’t have time for a chapter, read a few pages.

Next, I write down three things I am grateful that I have experienced in the last 24 hours. I identify my three top priorities for the day. I end my morning “me” time in prayer. I like to write my prayer but you do you.

This routine has served me well. Some days, it is short, maybe 10 minutes long. Other days, I give myself more time. This is the way I begin my day, along with a cup of coffee. I prefer this and am committed to this. If I skip my “me” time, I know this ALL. DAY. LONG.

Move your body. Science says moving our bodies releases a bunch of endorphins which make us feel better. Truth? Exercise does not release all those good endorphins for me like it does for Hubby Rick. Yet, I am committed to moving my body daily. I do a variety of things. Some days I run. Other days, I walk. A few times a week, Hubby Rick and I walk through our neighborhood in the evening. I lift weights several days a week. If my body is feeling tight, I do a short online stretching routine.

God views our bodies as temples. We only get one temple. We should treat our temple carefully. Respect it. Honor it. This includes moving it. Do something that you enjoy or that works for you. If you have limited mobility, there are still so many great options. Do a quick online search. Commit to just 10 minutes a day. This is how we care for your temples.

Drink a glass of water. Repeat this throughout the day. While the coffee is brewing in the morning, I drink a glass of water. Then, I have another glass while doing my “me” time. I almost always keep water with me.  

For those of us who are emotional eaters, sometimes a glass of water is what we really need more than food. If get bored with plain water, add a slice of lemon or a little bit of juice or ice tea (peach is my favorite). Too many people do not drink enough water in a day. This is another basic way to care for our temples. Your doctor will thank you as well. Research says a brisk 10-minute walk is more effective than any medication your doctor can prescribe you. Discover this for yourself.

Get outside into nature. One of the easiest ways to lower your stress and anxiety is to get out into nature. There is something cathartic about being in God’s creation. I feel my stress levels go down. I feel more in touch with my emotions. It is amazing how even a short time in nature can shift my perspective.

You can move, walk, or hike. You can paddle a kayak or do something in the water. Or, you can simply just sit. Do what is restorative for you. You might be surprised.

Call a friend. Like, have a real conversation. Not a text conversation. It doesn’t have to be long. Again, quality over quantity.

Meet someone for coffee, lunch or ice cream. Sharing what is going on in our lives is so cathartic. Seriously.

Listen to a favorite song. The great thing about YouTube? You can quickly and easily find a recording of just about any song. P.S. – It is OK to listen to your same favorite song multiple times in a row, says the person who does this regularly. Close your eyes. Listen.

Water your flowers and/or plants. Fresh flowers and plants may not have the same appeal to everyone. For those of us who love them? Take a few minutes, check them out, chat with them and care for them. You are caring your soul at the same time.

Read a fun book. I read fiction books in the evening, at the end of the day. Just a few pages is refreshing.

Take a bubble bath. This is one of my go-to ways I create rhythm in my life. While I’ve had a morning routine for awhile, an evening routine is just as important. I LOVE to end my day reading a fiction book while taking a bath. It’s my favorite end-of-day routine. If you aren’t a bath person, take a shower. There is something about hot water and letting your body know it’s time to sleep.

Take a 15-minute nap. Hubby Rick perfected this years ago. He worked nights for many years. He often took a 15-minute nap before he went to work. It really made a huge difference for him. We are often actually more productive after we’ve taken a short nap instead of plowing through our work. Our brain is clearer and more rested as well.

Use your favorite lotion on your hands and feet. After I do this, I smell the scent and it refreshes me. It is surprising how something this simple can help me refocus. It’s a simply little rhythm I use during the day to help me refocus.  

Look at a favorite picture and recall the memory this invokes. Why do we keep favorite pictures in our living space? Because they invoke some special memory. Need a quick pick-me-up? Look at one of those pictures. Remember the events surrounding it. Smile and be thankful.

Take a minute and smell your favorite scent. One of my favorite smells? Coffee. Sometimes, I just hold the cup of coffee in my hands and drink in the scent. Your favorite scent is not readily available? Find a candle with this scent. Smell is a powerful tool. It helps us recall memories and events. Just even a few minutes drinking in your favorite scent can relax you significantly.

Make a list. Sometimes our brains are so full of various thoughts and ideas. Writing them down allows us to release them and not have to keep track of them all in our head. Knowing they are captured someplace gives us bandwidth to not have to hold them in our brain.

Take a break. Do something that brings you joy. Watch a movie. Play a game. Go fishing. Do something that puts a smile on your face. Come back refreshed and revived.

Use a habit tracker. I’ve been using this one for a while. Some days, I am more effective in tracking things than others. Most important? Pick easy habits that you can accomplish daily. If you won’t be able to do it often, then break them down into even simpler habits. Or don’t put it on the list. Simple things like “floss my teeth” that you have a hard time doing can go on the list. The goal isn’t perfection. It’s progress.

I have a friend you regularly texts me, “Remember to take some time for Dianne.” Friend – please hear me encourage you to take some time for yourself and create rhythms in your life that allow you to care for yourself.  Our bodies are not indestructible. Just like a car needs tune-ups and oil changes, new tires and brakes, our bodies and minds need the same things. Creating rhythms in our lives are tune-ups for our hearts and souls. They refresh us and restore us. It IS our responsibility to care of our bodies just as carefully as we would for any other special item. Rhythms can help with this.

Too often, we think that doing more work or accomplishing more “things” will help us feel better about ourselves. They might. But honestly? Creating daily rhythms in our lives can actually be more effective in keeping ourselves in touch with God and ourselves.

Creating rhythms are those things that I can do throughout my day and week to remind myself that I am amazing. I am special. God has great things for me (and you!) to do! But we can only do this when our hearts and souls are not depleted. Overdrawn. Out of gas.

How do you refresh your soul? Gain more bandwidth? I’d love to hear your little ideas of how to add some goodness back to your temple. 

For the reminder that creating rhythms is super important, I am very grateful.

Blessings –


Loving God – Thank you for making me special and amazing. And for this wonderful body that you have equipped me with. Help me take care of my temple well. May I operate out of the abundance of a full tank and not a depleted one. Amen.

If you have enjoyed this blog, please pass it along to someone else who will also enjoy it.

Check out these other blogs about rhythm:

Rhythms of Life With God by Sharla Hallett


The Rhythm of Wrestling with Restlessness by Lisa Crowder


Productivity and Kids: Creating a Rhythm that Works by Ashley Olivine


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