Gratitude Day 893

John 16:13: (Jesus said,) “I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”

Did you watch any of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics?

Hubby Rick and I enjoyed watching quite a bit of these unique opening ceremonies. Held outside with the Parade of Athletes boating down the River Seine, the pouring rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the athletes, spectators and people orchestrating the unique performance.

At one point of the ceremony, John Lennon’s “Imagine” was performed. I was surprised to hear that this was the sixth time this song has been performed during the Olympics opening ceremony. It’s become a tradition. And for a reason.

Listen to the words carefully. They are beautiful.

At the end of the song, a message of world peace was promoted.

What a wonderful message that our world needs today.


Peace in the world. People within the U.S. People in our communities. Peace within our political arena. Simply, peace everywhere.

Wouldn’t this be great?

While watching the opening ceremony, I wondered why the world hosts the Olympics.

While some people might say this is an opportunity for the best athletes in the world to be crowned, I believe the purpose is different. It’s when the entire world comes together and celebrates together. Yes, the basis is competition. But the Olympics are so much more than this. It’s a way for the world to say, “We are all part of the world. And we can come together.”

Imagine a world that comes together. Prioritizes peace over everything else. Sees competition not as a decision of winners and losers but rather as a way to encourage and mutually support one another.

This, my friends, is the world that I want to live in. The world that I wish we could all aspire and make a priority.

Maybe this all sounds very aspirational and maybe not realistic. But what if we individually decided that we would do one small thing and try to make a difference?

Here’s how: the rival hug.

During the opening ceremony, an advertisement shared the idea of the rival hug. This hug is not just intended for Olympic athletes. No, it was encouraged for all people to hug their rival. It’s the idea that something as simple as a hug between two people can make a difference.

A hug.

I love it.

So easy. Yet, it can be so effective.

Not all people are huggers. We all know that person who just doesn’t feel comfortable wrapping an arm around another person. They aren’t sure hugs are really necessary.

Yet, I have witnessed thousands of times when a simple hug conveyed so much more than words could. Even those people who aren’t super comfortable with a hug can discover the difference a simple hug can make.

Imagine what would happen if we decided that a hug between two people can make a difference, especially when the hug happens between people who may not be the best of friends? This rival hug thing could really make a difference. It could bring some peace, if only between two people.  

So, how does a rival hug work? Pretty simple. Give a hug. If hugs aren’t super easy for you, start small. Simple. Easy. Before you go in for the hug, ask first. Often, I ask someone if they are open to hug before I go forward with them. Even if the person isn’t super comfortable with hugging, most people won’t turn one down.

A one-armed hug counts. This may be more comfortable. And yes, it counts.  

During the next 16 days, I hope we are inspired by the stories of the Olympians and see things that leave us speechless. And in the meantime, we will experience the possibility of peace. That we’ll see rivals encourage and celebrate with each other. We’ll be impressed with rival hugs and be inspired to take a rival hug ourselves with one or two people.

Peace often feels complicated. Challenging. We wonder if it is possible. Maybe our ability to affect much change towards world peace feels feeble. What we can do is take one little step. Maybe start with a hug.

Blessings –


Holy God – Only You can bring forth world peace. Only You can orchestrate something so big. I pray You will encourage me to take one small step, offer a hug to someone who desperately needs one, and see how this is a bit of peace I can bring into this world. Amen.

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