Gratitude Day 863

1 Thessalonians 5:18:No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Happiest of Thanksgiving! I pray your day is filled with lots of good stuff!

While I have much to be thankful for, here are 10 things that I pray I celebrate today and every day. Kind of a Top 10 Things to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Here they are!

10. My Health. Literally, that this old girl can get out a few times a week and pound the pavement for a couple miles, I am thankful. Hubby Rick and I take very few prescribed medications. (One between the two of us. I know. FORTUNATE.) We are able to do so many things yet. We don’t take it for granted.

9. A Safe Place to Live. Just yesterday, someone asked if I missed my big, old beautiful house filled with character that we used to live in. Yes, I do. I miss the uniqueness of the house and all the special touches in the house. But I also appreciate having a smaller place with fewer things. I enjoy having less to manage and feel lighter knowing that things are more in order. I also pray that we do not take for granted that we live in a safe place. Compared to many people around the world, this is a big deal.

8. Flexibility. I am fortunate that I don’t have to work full-time, which means I often set my own schedule. I can help with friends and our grandkids. I have opportunities to take in things that others may not. Flexibility is a big deal for me at this stage of life. And boy, do I appreciate it!

7. A Supporting Cast of Characters in My Life. I have people from so many different stages of my life. People who ventured in for awhile and often stayed. I have friends I can call upon for a variety of reasons and expertise. So much appreciated.

6. Security. While we are not finically rich compared to some people, we ARE rich compared to much of the world. Hubby Rick and I try to appreciate this security and yet pay things forward because we ARE blessed.

5. A Loving Spouse. I pray that I don’t take this one for granted. I got one of the good ones.

4. Family. Some are geographically closer than others. Some I keep in contact with more than others. I pray that I appreciate each unique person and how they add to my life. We are closer geographically to our grandkids which means we are available and able to participate in their lives more.

3. Lots of Little Things that Bring Joy to My Life. May I never overlook the tiny things that put a smile on my face, make my heart swell or bring me back to reality. These are the things I relish every day.

2. A God Who Loves Me Unconditionally. Seriously, this is so important to me. I don’t get it right a lot of the time. But I know there is a God who never gives up on me, continues to guide me and be my biggest cheerleader. Who knows more about me than I do. Yep, it’s real and it’s important.

  1. YOU!! Those people who follow along and share comments back with me. The ones who take a minute and take something in that I share. I appreciate YOU and am so thankful for YOU!

I pray my list will encourage you to make your own 10 things you are thankful for this year.

Oh, if you’d like to read about my FAVORITE Thanksgiving, you can check it out here.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

For the countless things to be thankful for, I am grateful. 

O Holy God – On this day that we often give thanks, thank you for encouraging me to actually take the time and think about what I am thankful for. NO matter what happens today, may I feel blessed. Amen. 

Blessings –


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