John 4:14 – Those who drink the water I give them will never thirst.

Gratitude Day 854


It’s been a bit of a struggle lately. I’ve felt pulled in a variety of directions and wondering if anyone or thing is getting more than my “good enough.” It’s lots of good things. Unfortunately, too many just came all at the same time.

There are times when I am productive and get a lot done. But as I get a little older (Yikes! It is true!), I feel I need more recovery. Down time. Time when I can’t always expect my 100%. Yes, it’s humbling and disheartening all in one. But this is the truth.

So today, I am sharing some of those things that I TRY, let me emphasize TRY, to keep as a part of my life when it feels a bit too much. I’ve shared many of these things before. What I am discovering over and over and over is this: it’s being consistent and focusing on the little things. There are no silver bullets in this life and world. Our best opportunity for peace in our daily lives is to find a few (even a couple) things and focus on these every day.

Here are a few of my things:

  1. Spend some quiet time at some point in your day. Your quiet time should fit your needs: when, where and how. I prefer to do mine right away in the morning. While the coffee is brewing, I get my things out and available so I can immediately sit down with a cup of coffee and have those quiet moments with God and myself. I like to journal and contemplate what’s been going on in my life, read a little scripture, read from a book, express three things I express gratitude for from the last 24 hours and close with a prayer that I write out. I can do this in 10-15 minutes. On some days, I give myself more time. You do you. Chose things that work for you.
  2. Move your body. Even for just 20 minutes. A walk, a short exercise video, yoga are good options for those who really don’t like exercise. I run a few days a week, lift weight a few days a week and mix in other stuff as well. I do this as much for my brain as I do for physical benefits. Seriously. My brain needs a break and movement helps.
  3. Find joy in each day. Just something little. A quote. A flower. A little story. Here’s a story that has had Hubby Rick and I chuckling the last day.

  • Time with someone who is important to you. Every. Single. Day. Maybe it’s just a few minutes. Please, please, please take time to drink in those special moments. They will not happen unless you make them a priority. It does not have to be the same person every day; just someone you appreciate and the feeling is reciprocal.
  • Find something of beauty around you. I am realizing how necessary it is for me to have something that I feel is beautiful in my life. Maybe it’s something in nature. A photo. A place in your house. Just something that takes your breath away, if only for a moment.
  • Hope. Hope and knowledge that God will be wit you. All. Day. Long. You aren’t alone. Please don’t forget this.

I pray that you have a wonderful weekend, including things that YOU love to do. Things that make you feel great and special. Things that fill your cup.

For the times when I just keep inspiration to keep going, I am very grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – At times, I do feel like it is too much. And then I remember that I don’t have to do it alone. You are with me. Please allow me to extend myself grace. Keep focused on you and know that together we can make it work. Amen.

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