Amos 5:14  – Words of inspiration: Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and so, the Lord, the God of heavenly forces, will be with you just as you have said.

Gratitude Day 724

If you live in Wisconsin right now, you might be like Hubby Rick and have yourself semi-permanently planted in front of the TV so you can take in all the basketball hoops your little heart ever desired. Seriously. Last weekend was the state high school girl’s finals. Unfortunately, Hubby Rick’s undefeated high school (Reedsburg Beavers) girls’ team lost in the semi-finals. And then, our FAVORITE UW-Madison Badger’s men’s team lost in the Big 10 Tournament. This weekend, it’s the beginning of the NCAA tournament. So many hoops to watch.

But in the big view of life these days, a lost basketball game seems simple compared to what some other people are dealing with. It’s heartbreaking to lose a game. Yet, it’s also heartbreaking to watch what is happening in other areas of the world.

On many Saturdays here on the blog, I share some inspiration that has been touching me lately. Today, I think I have some good ones. Please follow along and let me know which of these inspirations touched you today.

A Book I Just Finished Reading:

This is the book that I needed to read right now. I’m working on a second book (yes and Yikes!) and so I have been reading lots of books as research for my book. Kate Bowler was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in her 30’s. She thought she was living her best life. And then one day, it all changed.

In this book, Kate shares in her thoughts and feelings of living with a “c” diagnosis. At first, she tried to figure out what she should be doing. Now that she’s lived longer than the initial diagnosis, she has had to shift her thinking.

It’s funny. It’s real. I’m confident you will find something here that speaks to you. There was one section about career versus calling that I’m going to save and reflect upon more another day.

This Poem

While having lunch with a friend this week, she suggested this poem to me. She knows that I’m working on another book and thought it would be something I should look at in light of this. It’s a beautiful poem and so I share for you to enjoy as well.

This Read:

Right before Valentine’s day, I shared a blog encouraging you to Just Go Buy the Flowers. Well, someone else has the same thoughts. You can find another blog about this topic here.

Follow My Lenten Videos on Instagram

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a Lenten guide which shares a little nugget for drawing closer to God this Lent. FYI – I’m sharing a little reflection each day over on Instagram. The reflections are short (less than 5 minutes) where I share my thoughts about today’s nugget. If you aren’t following me on Instagram, you can find me at diannedeatonvielhuber. AND … I’d love to hear your thoughts with each of the videos and how you would respond to the daily nugget!

Speaking of Lent … I’m Buying Less These 40 Days

As Lent began, I challenged myself to really buy less this Lent. Here’s why.

Too often, I find myself hoping on Amazon to check something out … and sometimes, I buy it. Most often when I go online to look at something, I’m looking for something very specific. But it really is too easy to click and buy.

In full disclosure, yes, I have bought some things online this Lent. There are a few things I order online for the weekend school food bags that we put together. OK, the kids cannot wait until Lent is over for shelf-stable milk. And I ordered something suggested by a health practitioner that I work with. Of course, I discovered some book that I needed for research. But I’m really trying to not shop online or in person as much this Lent.

Am I huge shopper? I would like to think not. But there are times when I find myself stopping someplace just to look … and end of leaving with something I may or may not have needed. Yes, I went to the grocery store this week but totally stuck with my list. A little victory.

I know that I own too much stuff. I have been working at reducing inventory for the last couple of years. While I have made progress, I know there is more to do. Why has this become somewhat of a passion for me? Because I know that the more stuff I have, the more time I spend managing my stuff. Quite honestly, I want to spend less time managing my stuff and more time doing things that I enjoy.

There is a whole minimalist movement which encourages people to embrace more of these ideas. I find the ideas and concepts fascinating and insightful. If you are interested in learning more about having less, I suggest you start with this website. You decide to what degree you want to embrace these ideas. Maybe start by simply cleaning out a closet or a drawer and see how this feels for you.

This Photo

My heart aches as I look at all of these Ukrainian people who probably did not have a place to sleep that night. Or food to eat. They were missing the family members they left behind. May we continue to pray for this situation, the disrupted people, those who have lost loved ones and that a quick resolution can be found.

This Story

Wanting to end on a positive note, here’s a little story that I pray will brighten your day. If elementary kids can bring kindness and joy to other people (to the tune of 9,000 people/hr.), I pray that we will want to do the same. You do not have to touch 9,000 people today. One will be just enough.

Finally, What is Bringing You Inspiration These Days?

I’d love for you to share with me anything that you find encouraging or thought-provoking. I’d love for these Saturday posts to be a way for me to share what is encouraging you with the other readers. So, please send your ideas to me so your inspiration can inspire someone else!

For the reminder that I need to rest at Jesus’ feet, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – As part of Your family, I pray that we will encourage each other. Inspire each other. Find ways to build each other up. May You guide our inspiration today and every day. Amen.

If this post touched you, I invite you to share it.


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