1 Peter 4:10 – Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace.
Gratitude 700
Just in case you wonder if there are angels around us, let me assure you that there are.
Right here. Right now. Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow.
Sometimes, we just need to slow down and see them.
It happened again this week in my life. I pray my little story may encourage you to look for the angels in your life … and to CHOOSE to be an angel to someone else. This week, the week before Christmas.
The story begins with my Aunt Beverly (or AB as I often abbreviate) who lives in Denver, CO. Eighteen months ago while much of the country was in lockdown because of the pandemic, AB turned 90-years-old. Her party was cancelled because of COVID-19 restrictions. I asked if people might be willing to send her a birthday card. My goal was for AB to receive 90 birthday cards.
And she did. Actually, way more than 90, thanks in part to my dear friends.
Once again, she received a bunch of cards again this past summer for her 91st birthday.
At the time of her 90th birthday, a woman named Janet reached to me. I did not know Janet, but she lives in the Denver area. She had saw the post soliciting birthday cards for AB because our mutual friend Pam had shared it on Facebook. Janet asked if she might be able to drop off some flowers or magazines or other little things for AB at her assisted living.
Just because.
Since AB’s 90th birthday, Janet has continued to drop off things for AB every so often. This past summer, Hubby Rick and I went to Denver and spent a few days visiting AB and my cousins. We had a fantastic time. While in Denver, Janet and I met for coffee. Immediately, we made a connection. Sometimes when you meet someone, it feels like you have known this person for a long time. Or you discover connecting points. This is how it felt for me with Janet. We had such a nice visit and determined we wished we lived closer together. It was a bonus time to our visit to Denver.
Unfortunately, AB’s health changed again shortly after our visit. She is back at the original care facility but in a higher level care unit now. Considering her health earlier this fall, this is a win.
Janet contacted me last week and inquired about taking some flowers over to AB before Christmas. Could she pick up something that I would suggest and include with the flowers?
My heart stopped. This woman still has never met AB. Yet, she wanted to take a little gift to her and wish her a Merry Christmas. We decided that a box of nice chocolates would be a great addition to some flowers because AB NEVER tires of good chocolate.
Last week Janet went to the care facility where AB lives. She was able to visit with AB and personally deliver the gifts. Her message back to me was this: “Delivered a Christmas cactus and a box of See’s chocolate candies to Aunt Beverly yesterday morning. I enjoyed meeting her. She seemed like she was doing well. I was impressed with the staff. Friendly and caring. Have a Merry Christmas!”
Friends … her little note brought tears to my eyes. No, I will not be able to physically see AB this Christmas. But my new friend Janet did. She dropped off a little bit of Christmas cheer for me, met AB and made another person’s day and week.
My cousins (AB’s children) immediately reached out after they realized Janet had visited their mother. They shared how much joy Janet’s gifts and visit brought to their Mom. When their Mom is happy, well, it makes them happy. This is what my cousin Steve said about Janet’s visit to his Mom:
“Beverly Anderson has many angels that look out for her all year long. Thanks to Janet for this lovely Christmas cactus!”
Friends … I know you might have a variety of things to accomplish this week. I know it’s the week before Christmas. But possibly, could you find a little time and opportunity to be an angel to someone else? Often, we look and expect angels to come into our lives. To do something for US. Maybe, WE are the ones being asked to be an angel to someone else.
I know the concept of angels can be tricky for some people. Are there REALLY angels, we wonder? What I do know is this: God can and does ask us to serve others and in the process of doing so, we become God’s special angels to other people.
Yep, that’s right. When we accept God’s call in our lives to serve others, then we become a faithful servant that models God’s grace to someone else. And believe me … we think we’re helping someone else when really, we are helping ourselves discover and experience God’s grace.
While we often think of the holidays as being “merry and bright,” for some people, this isn’t the most wonderful time of the year. They are lonely or missing loved ones. Or sad or grieving. Or simply discouraged and challenged. An angel in their lives might make a huge difference.
Who might you reach out to this week … and be God’s little messenger? It can be a safe visit or a cup of coffee. A plate of cookies or a phone call. A special package in the mail or a thoughtful and meaningful item that will make another person’s heart melt. Being God’s messenger doesn’t require hours and hours of time. Or lots of cash or expense. It’s sharing your heart and a little bit of precious time. And quite honestly, it might mean the world to someone else.
I know it did to my Aunt Beverly, her kids and yes, even Janet. Getting to be a messenger can bring as much joy to your life as the joy for the person who receives your message and blessing.
Too often, we think making a difference in a person’s life is some big, earth-shattering gift or trip or special large item. May it say it again: IT IS NOT. Making a difference in someone’s life is about a little time, effort and love. I am convinced over and over those little things in life become the big things that truly change us and make huge impacts in our lives.
It is easy to expect or think that someone else is more gifted or has more time or is more creative in being God’s messenger to others. I beg to disagree. God simply wants and needs an open and willing heart. And God often takes care of the rest.
I pray we will challenge ourselves and each other to find some little way to be God’s messenger is an unexpected way this week. The shepherd’s arrived unannounced in the stable. They had nothing to give the newborn king. They went because some angels suggested their visit would be important. And it was. Here we are, 2,000+ years later, still talking about it.
A little thing that became a big thing.
Praise be to God. Amen.
For an opportunity to be God’s special angel and messenger this week, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Lord God – Thank you for allowing Janet to be an angel and special messenger to Aunt Beverly. I pray her little story will encourage each of us to seek and find opportunities to be your special messengers this week before Christmas. As we prepare to celebrate the newborn king, may we be willing to be an angel to someone else this Christmas week. Amen.
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