Proverbs 23:15 – My beloved child, when your heart is full of wisdom, my heart is full of gladness.
Gratitude 678
Sometimes, we just need a little something to make us feel good.
You know. Things that make us smile and say to ourselves, “My heart is full. It is a very good day.”
So today, I’m rounding up a few of these things that have recently made my heart smile. I hope you like them as much as I have!
Homecoming Queen Relinquishes Crown to a Classmate
This is one of THE BEST stories I have ran across lately. My heart is bursting from the compassion a young girl shared.
On the very day of homecoming, Brittany Walter’s mother passed away from cancer. Her mother’s last words were to encourage Brittany to still participate in the coronation on the football field.
Brittany was not selected as queen. But what happened next? You may want to grab a Kleenex before you read.
If I Could Have a Fall Flower Arrangement on My Island …
It would be this.
I LOVE fresh flowers in the house. They simply make my heart sing. I think this one is gorgeous. I may just print a copy of the arrangement on paper and place it on my island just because I can.
Here’s where I found the photo and more information on how it came together:
By the way – THANK YOU for sending my photos and comments of how YOU are using sedum in your house this fall after seeing a photo from my dining room table. As I often say … shop your house or your yard for inspiration. It doesn’t have to cost you a dime.
Because Wisconsin Cheese Really IS the Best
Crave Brothers is a dairy farm near Waterloo, WI that also makes their own cheese. Recently, their cheese was named the best cheese at a competition held at World Dairy Expo. You’ll want to watch this video featuring their farm. Take note when the reporter tries to milk a cow. It might make you chuckle out loud!
When High Schoolers Get It Right

This photo happened recently right in our little town. The National Honor Society had a food drive for our local food pantry. This gal showed up with a truck full of donated food. One of our food pantry volunteers is helping haul the stash into the area where food is stored.
Too often, we look at teens and think wonder how they are going to contribute to society. Will they understand the value of giving back?
Well, this truckload of food gives me a different perspective. It reminds me to never underestimate what teens can do. I’m positive there were plenty of people who looked at me and thought, “Will she amount to anything?” I know the jury is still out on this one. I hope it is a simple reminder that every generation is questioned about what difference they will make.
This Message

A dear friend gave this to me recently.
It is a perfect little fall coaster. It’s shaped like an apple and reminds me how blessed I am. It sits on my desk, right next to my computer. Truth? I put my coffee cup or water on a different coaster so I can see the words in this one.
Yep, I am blessed.
How have YOU felt blessed this week? I would love to hear!
For things that fill my heart, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – I stop and pause and know there are so many good things that happen each and every day. Too often, I think about the challenging things. But for a few moments, my heart swell with all the good things around me. May I seem myself as being truly blessed. Amen.
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