Gratitude Day 665
Romans 8:26 – And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend. We shared the various concerns we are expressing in our lives right now. While the details and unique for each of us, we found it surprising how similar situations we have both experienced.
This is how love is. While the exact specifics of a situation may be quite different, with a little bit of sharing, it does not take long to realize other people may have or are experiencing a situation that feels vaguely familiar.
There is comfort in knowing that someone else has experienced a somewhat similar situation. We may not have solutions for each other … but we can listen. We can be assured that we are not the only who has experienced disappointment, hurt, misunderstanding and confusion.
What are we to do in these moments? Well, finding a compassionate listener is always helpful. And prayer is another great response. Too often, people have shared that they are not sure how to pray to God when they feel great disappointment. The good news? We don’t have to have words. Paul assures us in a letter he wrote to a group of Christians that when we run out of appropriate words, the Spirit comes up with the words we need.
This is so beautiful to me. When I’m not sure what to say and how to pray, I need not fret. I only need to turn to God and let the Spirit take over. And this, my friends, is good news.
Here are a few other little nuggets for you to explore today.
Something to Listen To
This spring, Carrie Underwood released a new CD. It is different from her other albums because it is all hymns. My Savior is a testament to her faith.
Carrie recorded the song track at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. I ran across the recording of the album recently on YouTube. Let it play in the background today. Or while in the kitchen. Or while doing something you love. I think you’ll enjoy her latest album. It is filled with traditional hymns with a bit of a flare. Here’s the link:
Something to Read
Here’s an unexpected story from a well-known author James Patterson.

Hubby Rick is a James Patterson fan. But he had not read/listened to Woman of God. It was recommended to me by a friend. It’s not typical Patterson writing, but an interesting concept.
It’s the story of a young woman doctor named Bridget and her experiences of living in Sudan and Boston. It is set 20 years into the future at the time of when a new Pope is elected. Maybe, this time it will be a woman.
It’s a story of heartache and what it means to live in a fallen world. Bridget lives through awful things in her life. Yet, her Catholic faith remains a core of her being.
Filled with twists and almost unbelievable situations, it’s a story that provides insights into faith and the church. It’s an interesting read!
Something to Pray For
The events that have happened in Afghanistan this week are heart-wrenching. It is difficult for us to understand all that is involved and what the people of Afghanistan are going through.

Hubby Rick and I had a conversation about this last night during dinner. It’s clear we do not have a grasp of what is going on. We do not have ideas about what should happen. We anticipate that refugees will be coming to a military base here in Wisconsin soon, as well as other locations across the United States. It is impossible for me to imagine the feelings and emotions these people are experiencing.
I only have one suggestion: that we all pray for this awful situation. I’m not sure I know exactly what to pray for. But we are assured that when words fail us, the Spirit intervenes for us and lifts up our concerns to God on our behalf. I’m confident the Spirit is and will do this for us.
May we find comfort in that when situations in our lives or around the world or somewhere in-between leave us confused, we can simply turn to the One who is always there. And the Spirit will fill in the blanks when we lack words.
This my friends, I consider pretty great news.
What is heavy on your heart today that you aren’t sure what to pray for? Please do not fret. Instead, let the Spirit pray for you. May this bring you just a bit of peace today and always.
For the comfort in knowing the Spirit prays for me when I lack words, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – It is easy to use the excuse that we don’t know how to pray to You. And so, we don’t. Instead, may we count of the Spirit to intervene and pray for us. Thank you. Amen.
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