Gratitude Day 659
Luke 18:16 – Seeing what was happening, Jesus called for the parents, the children, and his disciples to come and listen to him. Then he told them, “Never hinder a child from coming to me but let them all come, for God’s kingdom belongs to them as much as it does to anyone else. These children demonstrate to you what faith is all about.
Yesterday was one of those days that I look forward to every summer: school shopping.
Yep, I know. Most adults DREAD school shopping. I actually love it.

Three of our grandkids and one bonus child piled into the car yesterday morning with shopping lists in hand. At the store, we navigated three shopping carts up and down the school supply aisles multiple times, finding just the right things so we could cross each item off of their lists. Everyone was patient, even as we navigated all those carts and kids and bags and supplies in the self-checkout area. We took our time and made it good experience.
After a picnic lunch and walk through an area park with Grandpa , aka Hubby Rick, we went shoe shopping for the older two kids. Then, we stopped at a park so everyone could get their school supplies organized, in their backpacks and ready for the first day of school. We ended the adventure with ice cream cones on the way home.
The entire carload declared school shopping day as a smashing success. Smiles were big and everyone was excited about something that had been purchased.
Our shopping adventure included three boys and one granddaughter, Ellie. Ellie will be going into 6th grade. She is very particular about her school supplies. She picked out a planner and color-coded school supplies for each class. She proudly showed me the coding system a school counselor had taught her so students can keep track of their schoolwork and homework. She looked up the school schedule on my phone and wrote dates into her planner. I was so excited to see her get things ready for the upcoming school year. She is ready to be a 6th grader!
And yet, I know there are so many kids and students who may not have someone to take them school shopping and help get things organized. They may not have the resources to cross everything off of their list and know that they have everything they need to start the school year on the best foot possible. They may not have the confidence or the resiliency that will allow them to thrive.
And it makes my heart sad.
There are a lot of at-risk kids today. Kids who are in situations over which they have little control and often feel uncomfortable and unsafe. The recent pandemic identified how vulnerable some students and families may be. We had an interesting conversation in the car yesterday about in-person versus on-line school. Some students did OK with on-line school. Some didn’t. It is a different way of learning and those who prefer hands-on learning found it challenging.
All of these thoughts and reasons are why we have chosen Girls Inc. of Southeast Wisconsin as our August Our Monthly Resolution organization. It’s an organization built around helping girls who struggle find a safe way to move towards their dreams and goals. One in six girls will not finish high school. A surprising 78% of girls are not happy with their body. One in four girls will experience sexual assault before graduating high school.
Girls Inc. of Southeast Wisconsin provides programming and resources and opportunities for girls to believe in themselves. Make choices that will help move them towards their dreams. Give them confidence to say “No” to things that are hurtful. Teach them how to become leaders.
A person who is a part of Our Monthly Resolution suggested Girls Inc. of Southeast Wisconsin as an organization that we could support. After my friend Stacie and I looked into them, we agree. We look at the girls we know … and know they can do great things. Sometimes, they just need a little encouragement and help along the way.
We hope that you will support Girls Inc. of Southeast Wisconsin during the month of August as well. Here’s how:
Donate online by going to:
Snail mail a contribution to: Girls Inc. of Southeast WI, 1030 Washington Ave., Racine, WI 53403
If your employer will match your contribution, their EIN number is: 82-4463624.
As you make your donation, please identify it as part of Our Monthly Resolution.

Helping students thrive is SO IMPORTANT. As a woman who has had lots of great female mentors and role models, I know their encouragement has had a huge impact in my life. I pray that together we can support and encourage at-risk female students who need some help to encourage them to pursue their dreams and goals. We can help them along the way by supporting organizations such as Girls Inc. of Southeast Wisconsin.
I’m proud of the young girl that my granddaughter is and I long for other girls to be encouraged and supported along the way. Let’s do this together this August.
For the opportunity to encourage and support young girls, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – As summer winds down and we begin to think about the upcoming school year, may those of us who are able help provide families in need with items to support their kids in the upcoming school year. May we seek out ways to encourage students and at-risk families to thrive in this upcoming school year. We pray for organizations like Girls Inc. of Southeast Wisconsin and the work that they do. Amen.
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