Gratitude Day 658
Proverbs 18:15 – The spiritually hungry are always ready to learn more, for their hearts are eager to discover new truths.
It’s the last day of July of summer 2021.
Where has the summer gone?
I feel like it has zipped by too quickly. And yet, there is so much to enjoy yet these days that have more sun than darkness. And I hope you plan to drink them all in.
Sometimes I share things that I have been pondering and learning. Here’s a few thoughts that fall into this category. I pray they are encouragement to you.

I will forever and ever LOVE fresh flowers. They bring joy to my life.
When we moved to our current house, a few months after we had lived there, I decided to try and have fresh flowers in the house. They just make me smile when I see them in the house.
This doesn’t happen ALL the time … but very frequently. I love walking into the kitchen and having a beautiful bouquet of gracing the island.
If you are on Instagram, make sure you follow FloretFlower. It’s about a place that raises flowers. Apparently, they sell seeds. Right now, Erin, the owner, is sharing about how they propagate new color. If nothing else, click on this link:
Scroll through the photos. The flowers are outstanding and so fun to look at. And I THINK Erin is featuring on the Magnolia Network.
It’s fun to be around positive people.
Can you think of that person who always seems to be challenging and negative?
Now, think of the person in your daily life that exudes positivity. It doesn’t matter what is going on. They find the silver lining.
Here’s the interesting thing: when I are around the positive person, it seems that I tend to be more positive. We take on what is right there in front of us.
It is so much more interesting to be around the person that share the positive things than the person who looks like they just swallowed a lemon: bitter and tense.
Let’s be lemons and make lemonade. Life is too short to spend time wishing something else was different. Take care of it. Move forward. Period. Be that positive person that others want to be around.

It’s OK to try hard things. No matter your age.
I’ve been running more this summer. As I have shared previously, I am not a gazelle gliding down the road. I’m a Clydesdale glopping down the road.
For me, running isn’t what I’d call fun. But I’m doing it. I’d had a couple bad runs followed by a good run for me. It boosted my running self-confidence some. I won’t win any races, but I’ve discovered it’s OK to be OK with something I have never been great at.
Why run? Why try something hard? Yes, this is the real question. Because I can. I am so blessed to still be able to try and do various things yet.
There is a Downtown Abby 2 movie in the mix.
It’s been AGES since I’ve been to a movie theater. Like almost two years. If there’s a movie that I’m looking forward to, it’s Downton Abby 2. I do not know the details … other than here’s a link to the cast. I. CANNOT. WAIT. To see this movie.
What are you discovering this summer? I’m sure there is more but this is what I’m thinking of today. I pray we are all enjoying summer these days.
For the courage to ask a different question, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – I pray that I will look at today and be impressed with all that I have, all that I can enjoy and experience and celebrate this. Too often, I focus on limitations rather than celebrating what I can do. Amen.
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