Gratitude Day 599

James 1: 14 – Everyone is tempted by their own cravings; they are lured away and enticed by them.

“Calgon! Take me away!”

Remember the old commercial? Calgon was a bubble bath from, well, a long time ago. After a hard or challenging day, a woman would yearn for a bathtub filled with Calgon bubbles to help her escape, if only for a little while.

We all have those days. The ones that never seem to end. They go on and on and on. Sometimes there are really good things. Other times, we find ourselves overwhelmed with challenging opportunities. At the end of one of those days, what do YOU do to unwind? Relax? Take a break?

We all need a go-to thing that allows us to take a short little mini-vacation, even if only 20 minutes long. These moments aren’t selfish. They are called self-care.

Self-care is necessary. Imperative. Required activity. When we pour all of our energy into someone or something else, soon the well is dry. We become irritable. Short. Cranky. Discouraged.

When this happens, we need an emotional and mental break. We need Calgon or something else to take us away!

A problem with living in a pandemic? It’s hard to get away. Take a break. We’ve spent too much time on a staycation and we’re ready for a change of scenery.

This is why we need an arsenal of ways that we can recharge our batteries and our lives, even from home. This break doesn’t have to be all day. Maybe it really is taking a bath. Going for a walk, hike or run. Escaping by reading a great book. Sitting in the backyard around a campfire with friends. Bake up a storm. Start some seedlings for a summer garden.

When it comes to filling your spiritual soul, you do you. You find what helps your heart feel good and get refreshed. These little breaks are even more imperative when we haven’t been able to go on vacation or on a trip. It can be easy to simply dump yourself on the couch and veg out in from of the TV. I do this as well. But I’m not sure that this really fills me. Make sure it’s something that allows you to really feel refreshed at the end of your little break.

You deserve it. A little escape can do wonders for our attitudes. Choose something that can take you away … if only for a few minutes … today. While you are on your little break, thank God for the opportunity to do this. And ask God to fill your heart with goodness.

P.S. – I WILL be taking a bubble bath today. One of my favorite ways to take a little break!

For ways to decompress when the world feels to fast, busy and overwhelming, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Dear God – Too often, we keep going, going and going, thinking this is what we must do to catch up. But maybe what we really need is a short break. A way to let our hearts breath. Help me identify one way I can escape for even a short period of time today. May you meet me there and fill me up. Amen.

Stop by diannedeatonvielhuber on Instagram today for a few more thoughts about today’s Lenten topic.

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