Gratitude Day 584
Ecclesiastes 3:1 – Everything on earth has its own time and its own season.
We can have almost as many life seasons as we have shoes.
Yep. That’s right.
Just to help us understand, here are some of my life seasons.
There’s the single stage and the married stage.
Child and teen.
College and post-college.
Working and non-working.
Grandparent versus non-grandparent.
While in seminary and as a pastor.
Working in agriculture and working in ministry.
Remodeling a home and enjoying a home.
Helping with parents and no parents living.

Seasons can also reflect where we live, our specific job and/or occupation, and a health situation. For example, Hubby Rick and I may refer to one season as before he had hip surgery and after he had hip surgery.
Some of these stages are ones that we choose. Others choose us. When we became aware that we were going to be grandparents for the first time, Rick was in a bit of denial. He said that he didn’t want to be a grandparent until he was 50. And this baby was going to arrive before then. Clearly, he didn’t get to choose when this season began. He was going to be a grandparent before 50 … whether he wanted to be one or not.

Hubby Rick is contemplating another season right now: retirement. No date has been set but we certainly talk about it a lot more these days and have looked into those things that should be explored before official retirement begins for him.
Previous generations probably had fewer job-related seasons that what we are experiencing. Yep, I fall into this category. Looking back, I’ve made major job changes/shifts in each decade of my life. I didn’t plan it this way. It’s just how it happened.
Recently, I was asked what season I am in now that I’m in my 50’s. My response? I’m still trying to figure this out. I probably should by now, as I’m almost to the middle of this life decade. But it feels very much up in the air at times.
There are life seasons I haven’t experienced yet such as being a widower. Or a parent. I’m not sure that I anticipated being a stepparent but that’s where I’m at.
So what season are YOU in right now? Have you made some shifts lately? Or do you anticipate a shift soon? Do you feel very settled into your life season or waiting for something to be different?
For some people, season changes are exciting, fun and give us energy. For those who dread change with a capital C, these life season changes can be painful. Difficult. Almost too much. And yet, we keep going, knowing we don’t always have a choice.
We are in the season of Lent right now. Yes, this is another season. We have multiple seasons throughout the normal year, as well as a part of the Christian calendar. Lent is a season to slow down. Listen more. Reflect more. Pause more.
When I’ve made those life season changes, sometimes I’ve listened more. Reflected more. Paused more. And other times? I was just trying to keep my head above water.
When season changes feel difficult, I pray that we turn to the One who is with us through every season change. The One who created us, loves us unconditionally and wants to pave the road for our next season change. When the season is feeling overwhelming and difficult or when we aren’t sure that we’re excited about the next season, may we stop. Listen. Know that God is with us. Every. Step. Of. The. Way.
Life seasons are different because we find ourselves learning new and different things. We discover something new about ourselves, our faith and our relationship with God. Even when we’re not sure we WANT to learn something new; it may happen.
More than once, I’ve found myself in a season that I never, ever anticipated. I choose whether to embrace this new season or go into it kicking and screaming. Multiple times, God has proven to me time and time again that God REALLY does have a sense of humor because there is no way I could have chosen this season on my own. Repeatedly, I question the season that I am in and whether this is the best season for me right now. Even when it feels uncomfortable and unsure, I try to embrace it and discover what lessons lie before me.
Earlier this week, we looked at the five highest priorities in our lives. Today, I encourage you to reflect upon this season that you are in. Before you yearn for a new and improved season, make sure you’ve embraced the lessons from this season. Challenge yourself to dig deep and know that this season arrived for a specific reason, even if it has not completely revealed itself to you.
Can you take a hot minute today and jot down a few sentences about this season you are in right now? What do you love about it? What do you really not care for? What have you learned? How has it stretched you?
And then, lay your hand upon these words. Offer them to God. Give it all back and ask that God will bless you today. Tomorrow. Every day.
Whether we full love our current season or not, we choose whether or not we feel blessed and embrace what lies before us. I pray we honor this season well. Appreciate the teachable moments we’ve experienced along the way. And know that God is with us every step of the way.
For this current season of life, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Almighty God – I pray that I can embrace this season of life and this pray fully. Thank you for being with me through the various seasons of my life. I pray that I see them as opportunities to grow closer to You. Amen.
Stop by diannedeatonvielhuber on Instagram today for a few more thoughts about today’s Lenten topic.
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