Gratitude Day 565

Fri., Feb. 5, 2021

Psalm 60:5 – Come to your beloved ones and gently draw us out. For Lord, you save those whom you love. Come with your might and strength!

Sometimes, we just put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have THE BEST holiday.

You know. The one that tops all others. Is memorable, remarkable and so very, very special?

Holidays are important. Good. A wonderful way to celebrate certain things. But when it comes to what Hubby Rick calls “Hallmark holidays,” it’s easy to put too much anticipation into a single day.

Here’s his point. Shouldn’t we LOVE those most important to us every day? Not just one special day of the year?

Yes, he’s right about this. An extra dose of love on a day when there’s pressure to get it “right” should not be the basis of a relationship. Love doesn’t start and stop within a 24-hour period. No, it’s something that we should freely live and give and extend 365-days a year.

And yet, here I am thinking about the next Hallmark holiday around the corner: Valentine’s Day. I’ve always had a little different relationship with Valentine’s Day. It’s nice to have a reason to celebrate those we love. Yet, let’s not get convinced that what we do this day is really any more important than any other day.

My suggestion? Let’s find a nice, relaxing, no-pressure way to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year. It’s going to be different because, well, everything is different right now. Let’s also remember that for some, Valentine’s Day is simply another reminder that they don’t have a special someone in their live right now. Maybe these are the most important folks to reach out to right now because they too want to know they are loved and valued and special. So whether you are celebrating a partner, a child, a friend, a parent or any one who is special to you, here are a few ways to honor and celebrate Valentine’s day in a fun way.

  1. Pick a day that works … whether it’s Feb. 14th or not. Many years, Hubby Rick and I have NOT been together on Valentine’s Day. And it didn’t matter. We have chosen to celebrate when it works for us; not when Hallmark says we should.
  2. Go for a Walk and Talk or a Hike and Talk.  Got outside if you are able and it’s safe. Pick a fun or different walking/hiking trail. It’s not the length of the walk but the quality of conversation that accompanies it. Remember your first date. Hopes for the next year. Something that you absolutely adore about the other person.
  3. Have an indoor picnic. Put a blanket on the floor or a fun tablecloth on the table. Get out a picnic basket. Eat easy finger food. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow.
  4. Or, bundle in the backyard. If possible, sit around a fire and make smores.
  5. Go for a drive. Pack snacks and favorite drinks. Play your favorite songs and sing with them.
  6. Cook a meal together. And make it FUN! A waffle bar. An appetizer bar. Whatever sounds super fun.
  7. Write a love letter. Yes, letters and cards are my love language. I just think a personalized note expressing how you feel makes anyone feel amazing, special and deeply loved.
  8. Attend a virtual concert together. These days, there are lots of online options. Find one that interests you both.
  9. Or attend a virtual class together. Whether it’s a cooking class, an art class, a dancing class. Find something that is light-hearted and puts a spring in your step.
  10. Volunteer together. Express love for each other by serving others. There are options in serving that can be done from home. Just contact a local organization and ASK.
  11. Go on a treasure hunt. Pull together an easy and fun route that incorporates things that are special. It can be as long or as short as you desire!
  12. Put a puzzle together. A couple weekends ago, Hubby Rick and I did just this. A friend had sent me a puzzle. We finally took a weekend to do it! BONUS – after we finished it, I took it to our 89-year-old neighbor for her to enjoy! Last I knew, it was on her kitchen table and keeping her (and her daughter) entertained!
  13. Look back at special moments together. Maybe it’s looking at photos or a video or something else. Look at how you have both physically changed and how your relationship has evolved as well.

What’s the most important concept when planning something with a special person for Valentine’s Day? Remove the pressure. Make it fun. Relaxing. Easy. Special. Keep expectations low. Celebrate what time you have together, even if it’s just coffee and donuts together. It’s another day that you get to be with a special person in your life. Treat it special and it WILL be.

Love for each other is something we learn from God. God loves easy. Simple. Meaningful. I think this is a great example to follow.

For opportunities to express love to those who are special to me, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Almighty God – You know the very inner most parts of our beings. You know our heart and our passion and our commitment better than anyone else. I pray that we are squeaky about the “right” things. I pray we find ourselves able to remain quiet when it is necessary. May we listen for the Holy Spirit to inspire us constantly. Amen.

If you have enjoyed this blog, please pass it along to someone else who will also enjoy it.

Thirteen Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s During COVID-19

Gratitude Day 565

Fri., Feb. 5, 2021

Psalm 60:5 – Come to your beloved ones and gently draw us out. For Lord, you save those whom you love. Come with your might and strength!

Sometimes, we just put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have THE BEST holiday.

You know. The one that tops all others. Is memorable, remarkable and so very, very special?

Holidays are important. Good. A wonderful way to celebrate certain things. But when it comes to what Hubby Rick calls “Hallmark holidays,” it’s easy to put too much anticipation into a single day.

Here’s his point. Shouldn’t we LOVE those most important to us every day? Not just one special day of the year?

Yes, he’s right about this. An extra dose of love on a day when there’s pressure to get it “right” should not be the basis of a relationship. Love doesn’t start and stop within a 24-hour period. No, it’s something that we should freely live and give and extend 365-days a year.

And yet, here I am thinking about the next Hallmark holiday around the corner: Valentine’s Day. I’ve always had a little different relationship with Valentine’s Day. It’s nice to have a reason to celebrate those we love. Yet, let’s not get convinced that what we do this day is really any more important than any other day.

My suggestion? Let’s find a nice, relaxing, no-pressure way to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year. It’s going to be different because, well, everything is different right now. Let’s also remember that for some, Valentine’s Day is simply another reminder that they don’t have a special someone in their live right now. Maybe these are the most important folks to reach out to right now because they too want to know they are loved and valued and special. So whether you are celebrating a partner, a child, a friend, a parent or any one who is special to you, here are a few ways to honor and celebrate Valentine’s day in a fun way.

  1. Pick a day that works … whether it’s Feb. 14th or not. Many years, Hubby Rick and I have NOT been together on Valentine’s Day. And it didn’t matter. We have chosen to celebrate when it works for us; not when Hallmark says we should.
  2. Go for a Walk and Talk or a Hike and Talk.  Got outside if you are able and it’s safe. Pick a fun or different walking/hiking trail. It’s not the length of the walk but the quality of conversation that accompanies it. Remember your first date. Hopes for the next year. Something that you absolutely adore about the other person.
  3. Have an indoor picnic. Put a blanket on the floor or a fun tablecloth on the table. Get out a picnic basket. Eat easy finger food. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow.
  4. Or, bundle in the backyard. If possible, sit around a fire and make smores.
  5. Go for a drive. Pack snacks and favorite drinks. Play your favorite songs and sing with them.
  6. Cook a meal together. And make it FUN! A waffle bar. An appetizer bar. Whatever sounds super fun.
  7. Write a love letter. Yes, letters and cards are my love language. I just think a personalized note expressing how you feel makes anyone feel amazing, special and deeply loved.
  8. Attend a virtual concert together. These days, there are lots of online options. Find one that interests you both.
  9. Or attend a virtual class together. Whether it’s a cooking class, an art class, a dancing class. Find something that is light-hearted and puts a spring in your step.
  10. Volunteer together. Express love for each other by serving others. There are options in serving that can be done from home. Just contact a local organization and ASK.
  11. Go on a treasure hunt. Pull together an easy and fun route that incorporates things that are special. It can be as long or as short as you desire!
  12. Put a puzzle together. A couple weekends ago, Hubby Rick and I did just this. A friend had sent me a puzzle. We finally took a weekend to do it! BONUS – after we finished it, I took it to our 89-year-old neighbor for her to enjoy! Last I knew, it was on her kitchen table and keeping her (and her daughter) entertained!
  13. Look back at special moments together. Maybe it’s looking at photos or a video or something else. Look at how you have both physically changed and how your relationship has evolved as well.

What’s the most important concept when planning something with a special person for Valentine’s Day? Remove the pressure. Make it fun. Relaxing. Easy. Special. Keep expectations low. Celebrate what time you have together, even if it’s just coffee and donuts together. It’s another day that you get to be with a special person in your life. Treat it special and it WILL be.

Love for each other is something we learn from God. God loves easy. Simple. Meaningful. I think this is a great example to follow.

For opportunities to express love to those who are special to me, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Almighty God – You know the very inner most parts of our beings. You know our heart and our passion and our commitment better than anyone else. I pray that we are squeaky about the “right” things. I pray we find ourselves able to remain quiet when it is necessary. May we listen for the Holy Spirit to inspire us constantly. Amen.

If you have enjoyed this blog, please pass it along to someone else who will also enjoy it.

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