Thurs., Nov. 12, 2020

Dear Friends –
In November of 2011, I began Simple Words of Faith. Honestly, it began because I thought maybe folks would like to follow an online Advent Devotional. So, on Nov. 30, 2011, I published my first blog at the beginning of Advent. At the time, I wanted to create a name for the blog that reflected more than just an Advent devotion. In normal Martha-style, I didn’t give myself much time to dream of “just the right name.” Literally, in less than an hour, I came up with Simple Words of Faith. I quickly Googled it. No one else seemed to be using this handle. And Simple Words of Faith was started.
Fast forward nearly nine years later. For many of those early years, I provided daily blogs during Lent and Advent with a few sprinkled in elsewhere. A few years ago, I decided to become more consistent in blogging and challenged myself to provide more regular posts.
Let’s be honest. The posts have covered a wide range of topics. Each time I write and post a blog, I realize that this particular topic may not be exactly what speaks to all potential readers. I get this. I simply thank you for following along when I shared something that spoke to you … and even when it might not have.
Along the way, I’ve offered a few other tools as part of the Simple Words of Faith offerings: daily text prayers, a couple podcasts and more recently, Devos with Dianne on Facebook. Writing a book was a dream that I envisioned for a long time. A year ago right now, The Mary Experiment: When Doing and Being Collide was published. Thank you to those who have supported the book. I feel honored and very touched when someone shares with me how the book personally spoke to them.

For the last couple of years, I have often dreamed about how Simple Words of Faith might potentially touch more hearts and lives. I’m not completely confident about this yet. I’m still searching and exploring and discerning how this little blog might speak to folks who are living regular, every day life … and yearn for a connection to God and long for their faith to be part of it. Any insights or feedback you might have on this? I’d love to hear.
The first step in moving towards these things is offering a website that more fully reflects the various things that I do through Simple Words of Faith. I’ve been working with someone to overhaul my website, my cousin Dwight. I’m so very thankful that he has been willing to journey with me through this.
I’m sharing this with you because we’re making the new website live over the weekend. By early next week, we hope to have the new site up and running. As a person who regularly receives blogs via e-mail, I wanted to share this exciting news with you and encourage you to check out the next sight next week. Once the switchover is made, please look for blogs to come to you in a slightly different format. The e-mails will no longer come from They will now come from So please, make my e-mail address a contact in your e-mail … and you won’t miss a blog.
I value greatly and deeply every single person who has ever read a Simple Words of Faith blog, bought a book, listened to a Devos with Dianne and/or received a daily prayer text. I know we all can find information from a bazillion places right now. I appreciate those who turn to Simple Words of Faith for guidance and connection to faith. This is what I feel called to do. This is what I plan on continuing to do. Thank YOU for being part of this journey. It means to me more than words can say.
I’ll check in with you next week after the new is up and running.
Blessings –
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