Gratitude Day 528
Wed., Oct. 28, 2020
Matthew 5:16 – So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.”
Maybe you’ve heard the story of being a Christian is kind of like a pumpkin. It’s a little story that I have often shared with kids this time of year. It’s just a nice little story that helps us see faith through the eyes of a child … and a pumpkin.

It begins with being picked. When we got to get a pumpkin, it begins with looking at all of the options and choosing one. Likewise, every day, all day, God chooses you.
The pumpkin maybe a little dirty and needs a good cleaning. Likewise, God is already to wash our “dirt” away.

God isn’t just interested in a pretty outside. God wants to know what is on the inside. We cut out the top of a pumpkin when we make a jack-o-lantern. And yes, God looks deep inside of us.

There’s some good stuff in there … but there’s also some yucky stuff. God has a great knack for getting rid of the yucky stuff.

All those seeds that are not helpful? God can deal with. The seeds of doubt, hate, greed. The seeds of disappointment, fear and lack of patience.

Who ever sees a sad pumpkin? Don’t we put smiles on them? Yes … just as God loves to see our smiling face.

Finally, a light inside the pumpkin makes it easy for the world to see it. I pray we keep God’s light inside of us for all the world to see as well!
Because it is Wednesday, tonight is Devos with Dianne on Facebook Live at 8 PM Central Time. Tonight is one of those times you really do NOT want to miss! A family who has experienced COVID-19 will be joining me. In their own words, Linda, Jerry and Sara will share how this virus and the pandemic have affected them, their family and their faith. I encourage you to share this post and invited someone to join me tonight during Devos with Dianne. At 8 PM, just look for my live video under Dianne Deaton Vielhuber. See YOU tonight!
For lessons even from a pumpkin, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Holy God – so many little lessons that we can find right in our normal, everyday lives. Lessons about life. Faith. You. Me. Thanks for the story of the pumpkin. May my light shine brightly for You today. Amen.
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