Gratitude Day 524
Sat., Oct. 17, 2020
Psalm 9:10 – May everyone who knows your mercy keep putting their trust in you, for they can count on you for help no matter what. O Lord, you will never, no never, neglect those who come to you.
Somedays, I feel so close to God.
And then, there are the more common ones where it’s just a wee bit harder.
On those days, where’s what I remember: God didn’t move. I did.
God is still there, friend. Plugging right along. Just waiting for you to pause and say, “Hey, God. It’s me.”
I’ve pulled together a few things I’ve encountered recently that has helped me come back to God. To trust that no matter what is going on, God is RIGHT. HERE. With me. And always will be.
This book: The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton.

This is the author’s story of his wrongful 1985 arrest and conviction of two counts of capitol murder in Alabama. A poor black man, it was a case of mistaken identity and a skewed system of justice. During his 30 years on death row at a state prison, Hinton became a beacon, transformed his own spirit as well as those of his fellow inmates. Civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson won Hinton’s release in 2015.
Why read this book? It shows a glimpse into Hinton’s story of hope, love and justice. This inspirational story shows how a person’s freedom can be taken away but not his imagination, humor or joy.
This cake: Apple Cider Donut Cake.

OK, I know. A cake isn’t going to make you feel closer to God. I get it.
But I still wanted to share this cake with someone, anyone who is a fan of apple cider donuts. If this is you (or you just like ANYTHING apple,) then this cake is JUST. FOR. YOU.
I ate two pieces of it the night I took it out of the oven.
Maybe celebrate the apples of the season? Too much of a stretch?
Either way, just enjoy this cake. If it’s too much, porch-drop some of it at your neighbors. They will think you are a little ray of sunshine in their day.
Yes, it takes a little more effort … but it’s worth it. So does Hubby Rick, which is notable because he isn’t a huge sweets fan. But this one? He gave it two thumbs up and has been slicing away at it.
Here’s the link to the recipe I used.
These swings.

Yes, they are the swings from our back yard. Honestly, it doesn’t quite look like this right now. There are leaves on the ground and the flowers in the pots are looking a little sad. But I sat in the swings this week. Just for a bit. I just sat. Did nothing and listened. To my heart. My soul. For God.
Even if you don’t have swings in your yard, take a hot minute. Sit. Listen. Be.
(Like the swings? Sorry. I can’t send you to a link. They are custom made for me by Hubby Rick. I know. I’m so lucky.)
This exercise: Devos with Dianne from 10.14.20.
If you haven’t watched it, please do. I share an exercise of how to be kind to YOURSELF. It’s a little reminder that before we care for everyone else, we must care for ourselves first. Even if you don’t have Facebook, you can click on the link and watch. Hope you enjoy!
A reminder: COVID-19 isn’t going away. Anytime soon. It’s here. It’s daunting. We’re in this for the long haul. Seriously.

Unfortunately, until we personally know someone or know someone who knows someone, it may not feel personal or real. But it is. My heart is sad for the folks who have it and are struggling. My heart is sad for those who feel the fall-out has been too much.
As much as we WANT it to go away and to go away fast, it isn’t. Yet, I know that God IS with those who are feeling stressed, discouraged, distracted and challenged. Find your swing. Sit awhile and say, “Hey, God. It’s me.”
God always loves to hear from you. God will never neglect those who come to God. Thank you, Jesus.
For finding ways to trust God in daily life, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – Thank you for never being very far away. And always being there for me. Thanks for not giving up on me when sometimes it’s hard to trust. Thanks for being patient with me. Amen.
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