Gratitude Day 519
Tues., Oct. 6, 2020
Luke 10:42 – The Lord answered her, “Martha, my beloved Martha. Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these many distractions? Are they really that important?
It’s the 6th of October. And yet, does anyone else feel like it’s been 50 days since October began?

I live in Wisconsin and unfortunately, we’re making national news because of the dramatic uptick of COVID cases in our state. I find myself focusing on things that I have ZERO control over. And this sucks up my energy. And it frustrates me that once again, I let this happen.
I keep thinking that it’s OK not to be as productive these days. And find more space to reflect and be. That being a human machine all the time isn’t necessary. Maybe, it’s OK to give ourselves a break.
A few days ago, I read this sentence:
“Instead, come sit with me,” Jesus said. “Only this is really important.”
These are words that I wrote and published in The Mary Experiment: When DOING and BEING Collide. Words I wrote because I felt maybe others needed to hear as well as myself. And somehow, I got so caught up in what’s going on right now that I haven’t embraced them as I should.

How I wish that we could just sit and have a cup of coffee together.
Share live and funny stories and serious thoughts.
Laugh and cry and get quiet when we have something important to say.
Listen intently and maybe even give a hug or a touch when it feels appropriate.
Know that we’re here for each other … because we all need someone in our corner.
On Sunday, I had my weekly chat with my 90-year-old Aunt Beverly. It didn’t take long for me to see that she’s beyond tired of the pandemic and how it has disrupted life. Yes, she WAS able to leave her facility last week. For the first time in over six months, she received an infusion she historically received weekly to stay off breast cancer. You see, Aunt Beverly has had breast cancer multiple times. But because of COVID-19, she hasn’t had an infusion since early March.
And now, it’s October.
For a brief part of a day, Aunt Beverly “got out of jail” and was able to something that felt more “normal.” Remember – this “normal” thing was a treatment to try and keep breast cancer at bay.
But it was a glimpse of normal.
Folks – we’re in this COVID-19 spot for a while. For the long haul. Even with a vaccine (which we don’t know when one will be available), things won’t quickly return to “normal.” There will still be concerns and challenges. We’ll still need to do those things that slow the spread.
So how do we keep focused and in tune with God and ourselves in these days that seem to stretch forever but zoom by too fast?
Come sit with Jesus. Only this is important.
And remember this: You are amazing. You are special. You do great things. You are loved by God. And You are enough.
Today. And tomorrow.
In God, we are enough.
Thanks be to God.

For God’s presence with us in the long haul, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Almighty God – it’s easy to keep thinking the short-term is more important than the long haul. But you aren’t a short-term problem solver. You fix long-term issues with grace and mercy. May we come back to you time and time again and simply sit at your feet. May we know this IS enough. Amen.
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