Gratitude Day 500

Wed., Aug. 19, 2020

Hebrews 12:28 – Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that can’t be shaken, let’s continue to express our gratitude. With this gratitude, let’s serve in a way that is pleasing to God with respect and awe,

I have been keenly aware that this post would be somewhat of a milestone. Today marks the 500th post in which I reflect upon gratitude.

I began blogging years ago. So many years ago, that when it comes to the blogging world, I “should” have a whole bunch of followers by now … or I “should” have stopped blogging. I have done neither. Instead, a couple years back, I challenged myself to take whatever nugget I planned to share and turn it a gratitude moment. My idea was that in ALL things, we CAN find a way to incorporate gratitude.

The good things.

The challenging things.

The sad things.

The disappointing things.

The honest things.

The everyday, ordinary, this is how I live my life things.

And so, I write. Share. Challenge myself to move beyond the surface and dig a little deeper into what life lessons I CAN find in the mundane. The ordinary. The real life stuff.

Why has gratitude been so important? Why have I wanted gratitude to be part of every reflection? Because.

Because it’s so under-rated and overly needed in our world today.

Because whether or not we are grateful shapes our attitude. Our outlook. Our perspective.

After writing about gratitude no less than 500 times, I am completely convinced that when we focus on what is some little way we can find gratitude in our daily lives, then we begin to see more and more of it in our daily walk. The opposite is just as true. When we stop looking for moments and ways to appreciate the little things in life, then all we begin to see is what isn’t good in our lives.

Throw in a world pandemic and this becomes even more clear.

Yep, it’s a lot harder to find the good and the rich takeaways when there is much to be discouraged and scared about. Honestly, I’ve spent way too much time these last number of months focusing on what challenges me than truly being grateful. When I fail to see the good in a day, then anxiety and distraction and lack of purpose and direction creep in. But when I go back to gratitude? The anxiety lessons. The reminder to fully live in the moment is restored. Hope becomes part of my vernacular once again … and my heart and soul relax.

It’s not just a pandemic that can do this to us. Replace the pandemic with whatever is challenging you these days, and the lesson remains the same. Take whatever distraction you find in your life these days, redirect it with a focus towards gratitude and step back. See what happens to your heart and soul.

When we’re in the middle of some thorn in our lives, it’s nearly impossible to find the silver lining unless we intentionally look for a way to find gratitude in the moment. I get it. In those moments, the last thing we WANT to do is be appreciative for the thorn. But when we are able to, then we can grow. Allow ourselves to mature in a way that draws us closer to the One who ordained gratitude from the very beginning.

Gratitude is like any other skill. The more we practice it, the more we learn to appreciate. Do it better. Embrace it in our lives.

And after 500 reflections upon gratitude, I’m beginning to realize how much more I have to learn about gratitude. Please join me tonight at 8 PM on Facebook for this week’s Devos with Dianne. It’s going to be all about gratitude and why I want gratitude to be such an important part of the fabric of my life.

I know my blog isn’t the flashiest blog. It’s certainly not the most entertaining. If success is measured purely by number of regular readers, when it would not be deemed a success at all. The reason I sit down and let my finders glide across the keyboard a few times a week is because it’s a way that I remind MYSELF what’s tremendously important to me. Why connecting faith and life in our daily, regular, ordinary days is terribly important. Why I want gratitude to be one of the benchmarks of my journey on earth.

Awhile back, some of our grandkids were at our house for the day. Our granddaughter Ellie was in my office. We were printing off pictures from the internet, one of the things she enjoys doing while at our house. There’s a picture stand on my desk with the word “grateful” etched into it. Ellie asked me why I have so many things in our house that say the word “grateful” on them. I shared with her that I want my life to be bathed in gratitude … thankfulness … appreciation for the thousands of blessings that make up EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. of my life. And sometimes, I need little reminders to help me fully appreciate every blessing and thorn in my life.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me. I pray that you find some little blessing as you walk along with me and this little blog. I appreciate and am grateful for every person who ever reads some of these words. I pray they are a blessing and way we can value and be grateful for this day. Our lives. The One who makes this all possible.

For the One who began gratitude from the very beginning, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Lord God – Thank you for encouraging me to find gratitude in my ordinary, everyday life. May I see gratitude as a way that I can grow in deep love and appreciate for You. Amen.  

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