Gratitude Day 444

Fri., Apr. 2, 2020

Ecclesiastes 9:9: Live happily with the woman you love through the fleeting days of life, for the wife God gives you is your best reward down here for all your earthly toil.

As we move into week five of stay in place, we’re all figuring how just how much we LOVE being with those people who reside in the same house as we do.

Yes, these are the people we are to love the most. Every. Single Day. The people who we’d go to the ends of the earth for. The people who we’d move heaven and earth for.

Well, most of the time.

Except when they leave their underwear on the bathroom floor. Every. Single. Day.

Or drive us nuts with their burping, and possibly, even, their breathing.

While we love them with all of our heart and soul, is all this “together time” testing some of your patience? Love? Choices?

As my late mother-in-law would sometimes say, “In my marriage, I never once considered divorce. Killing, yes, but never divorce.”

Yes, it was always said tongue-in-cheek.

And now, I’m wondering if her son ever has those same thoughts …

Honestly, I must say that the stay-in-place at our Vielhuber household has really been pretty good! We’re both still working, although I’m working from home. We eat lunch together nearly every day, sometimes go for a walk or bike ride. In the evenings when Hubby Rick is home, sometimes we play Scrabble or watch a movie. We’ve both found plenty of things to keep ourselves occupied and yet make time to chat, connect and do things together.

What more could we ask for?

 Now, if you’re feeling like the walls of your house are getting smaller weekly or daily, it’s OK. As much as you can love the people in your house, there will be times when they might drive you just a bit crazy. This is normal. OK. And expected.

So, give yourself permission to go outside and exercise … all by yourself.

Take a drive around the block, blast the radio and pretend that you are going on a road trip to your favorite destination. Come home and tell everyone what a great time you had.

Pour yourself a cup of coffee, call or ZOOM your BFF and imagine that you are sitting at a café and chatting up a storm … without anyone from your house.

Sneak into the grocery store and buy a small container of your favorite ice cream. EAT. THE WHOLE. THING. BY YOURSELF. And please, don’t feel guilty about it.

Go into the bathroom. Close the door. Maybe, even lock the door. And sit. By yourself. Read a magazine. Or a book. Ignore when someone wants you to open the door until the fourth or fifth attempt.

Then, make your housemate’s favorite things for dinner. Spend hours eating together, playing a game and eating popcorn for dessert. Laugh and smile and remember these are the people that you choose to love the most. They are the loves of your life and they mean the world to you. You would kill for them.

For those of you who are staying at home by yourself, treat yourself to things as well. You just might have to get a little more creative when it comes to playing the game together. Facetime your loved ones. Move the pieces for them. And laugh until you cry.

Be safe. Treasure this time. Smile when you can. Laugh out loud. Cry when you must. And celebrate the best rewards of your life: your family.

For loved ones in my life, I am grateful.

Blessings –


Holy God – grant us patience to fully love those in our lives, even when they drive us a bit crazy. May we find ways to cope and not drive everyone around us crazy as well. Amen.

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