Gratitude Day 426
Mon., Mar. 23, 2020
Psalm 37:5: Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:
Sometimes, we just need a huge dose of normal.
Nothing else, but just normal.
Our days often feel anything but normal right now. We await for news: good news, bad news, any news that will help us understand how and why COVID-19 has upended our world. While news and facts and information are helpful, it is also so very difficult to keep perspective. Sort through what is accurate and what isn’t. What is being said versus the political spin which often accompanies the information.
Hubby Rick and I are careful about how much “news” we watch and read. Yes, we do get information. But we don’t want our lives reduced to seeing what the latest report is. We’ve prioritized some very “normal” parts of our daily lives. We exercise daily. We read devotions; sometimes together and other times independently. We make meals and keep in touch with family and friends.

On Saturday, Rick announced that we were going to move Earth Day up to March and observe it on Sunday. Rick often carries a bag when he goes walking to pick up garbage. One particular rural roadside area had a higher than normal amount of garbage. This was Rick’s designated area that we would clean-up on Sunday. This would also be part of our way to worship God: by caring for creation.
We covered less than one mile and yet picked up four large bags of garbage. In trying to make it fun, we each tried to find the most unique item. I thought the car pieces left over from a car accident would win the title. But then, Rick found a board in the ditch; one he is going to use to repair the stairs in our carriage house.

For a period of time, life felt very normal. The birds chirped away. We walked outside and drank in fresh air. It could have been any other day.
Later, we had lunch together and Rick left for work. He delivers petroleum to a convenience story chain, so he continues to work. Later, I baked French bread for the very first time.

Today, commit your way to the Lord. Find a very normal thing to do; something that would be just like any other day. Something that allows you to celebrate the gift of the present. Yes, we are very much aware of what is going on around us. Yet, our bodies and brains yearn for normal, regular things to help us keep perspective and maintain hope and a sense of reality.
Please embrace something very normal today. Just make sure it follows the recommended COVID-19 guidelines! Limiting social interactions is A MUST!

One last thing: here is a group of folks at a residential facility honoring social distancing while doing their normal activity of playing bingo. How cool is this!
For finding God in the normal, I am grateful.
Blessings –
When life feels a bit off kilter, Almighty God, remind us of the need to do something ordinary. Normal. And find You in those regular activities of life. Amen.
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