Gratitude Day 424
Thurs., Mar. 19, 2020
Song of Songs 2:12: Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Soon it will officially be spring.

Time for warm rain and mud puddles.
Time for trees budding and shoots sprouting out of the ground.
Time for warm breezes and longer days of sunlight.
Time for coats and flip-flops.
Spring gives us hope.
Hope for new birth, new chances, new babies.
Opportunities for refreshing and cleaning and eliminating.
Anticipation of leaving the dark and dreary behind and focusing on what is yet to come.
Spring seems a little more difficult these days.
But it is oh, so needed.
No matter what is going on right now in your life, your country, your world, keep hope. Anticipate a bright day. Smile to everyone. Be the one who everyone wants to see and chat with.
Spring into spring with anticipation. Hope. Promise.
For the gift of a new season, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – Thank You for the gift of hope in spring. Teach us to value and appreciation the changing of the seasons and the anticipation of new things. Be with those struggling today. May they find hope in the promise of something new. Amen.
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