Gratitude Day 401
Fri., Feb. 7, 202
Proverbs 4:6: If you love Wisdom and don’t reject her, she will watch over you.

About a month ago, I posted a couple pictures of our front porch on social media, bemoaning that it was time to take down the Christmas lights. I just wasn’t ready to do so. It’s so peaceful to look out and see the white lights on our porch at night.

Suddenly … you guys gave me a great idea! Keep the winter decorations and just adapt them for Valentine’s Day! Put a few hearts on them and your porch will be ready for Valentine’s Day.
What a great idea!
And exactly what I did.

In true confession: about a week ago, I unplugged the timer by which the lights came on at night. The timer was off and it was easier to unplug than fix the time.
But after putting a few Valentine’s with the decorations, the timer is going back in! At least for next week.

The Valentine’s took very little time. Using internet templates and running colored paper through the printer and just a bit more tweaking, they were done.
And it took about 60 seconds to hang them up.

But it took the Christmas decorations into Valentine’s and it just makes my heart happy.
Sometimes, our days just need a little joy. Happiness. Fun. Lightness. Silly as it sounds, these Valentine’s did exactly this for me.
It’s crazy, I know. But such a great reminder. Simple is good. Easy is good. Using what you have is great. Editing something to make it special for you? A win-win.

Pause for a minute or three. What little simple, silly thing could you do this very day that would bring just a bit of joy into your heart? A lightness and appreciation into your step? Plaster a smile onto your face and make the edges of your mouth turn up every time you see it?
It doesn’t have to be hearts on your porch. It’s really more about loving something that you have. Use the God-given wisdom you have been given and find some little way to bring a bit of joy into your heart and life. It can be simply a wonderful thing.

For simple joy that now resides on our porch, I am grateful.
Blessings –
Dear God – too often, we overlook the simple. The easy. The meaningful ways we can add joy to our lives. May your wisdom become our wisdom in loving to find these little bits of happiness in our lives. Amen.
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